The First Article You Write for LinkedIN


This is the first one, which is special, as I'm a professional writer, dreamer of dreams, generator of sales and GOTV sort of guy there must be a theme to this missive.

I love bullet points, but maybe that's my problem.

I despise long interpretations, but maybe that's my problem

I second guess myself, but maybe that's my problem.

I find solutions for others, but not myself, but maybe that's my problem.

I find beauty in everything, but not in myself.

I solve other people's problems, but not my own.

I share everything with everyone, but not with myself.

I do unto others as I would have them do unto me, but they don't.

I fear not Death, it fears me and my superior organizational skills.

I do not take the Lord's name in vein, but cry out for assistance and find none.

I'm scared of God, but I am created in his Image and for his amusement.

I forsake no one, but am forsaken by all.

The Tree of Life is withered by the dogs of bureaucracy urinating on the supposed bliss of America.

The Tree of Liberty has become email waste splattered by the purposefully created weak and poor of the Rich against the commercialized happiness and lollipop wishes of the touchey feeley baby boomers who deserve nothing more than a bowl on Quinoa and a rifle in their Communist backs under the new app created by their Millennia grandchildren that no longer find them economically feasible in their game.

So maybe I'll write about something I know for my first official message, but it won't be this one!

In the month of January I will do my best to do my best for others before me. But in February, there is no Hallmark or made up Holiday and Billions of chocolate love stories that bear children who will walk the streets of ill repute Snap Chatting and chasing the latest form of fiat currency.

Not a new religion as I seek no more followers. Not a new solution which creates a problem. And most certainly not anything that you will be able to reverse charges on me after you got the goods!

Only the sweet, sweet smell of the after burn of a fabulous launch! Please stay behind the line that the authorities have deemed appropriate. I cannot be responsible if you actually succeed. It wouldn't be the first time.

Comment if you have something to say on this one. I hope it is more thought provoking than "does anyone have an SEO strategy for 2018", because the next one that asks me that is going to cost me at least 10-25 years of my life!

If you have any questions, I'm not that hard to find.



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