First Amendment: Free Speech is Sacrosanct.

First Amendment: Free Speech is Sacrosanct.

What good is Freedom of Speech if it cannot offend. There is a reason why the Ku Klux Klan exists in America. Protected by law, to march, organize and spread their racial ideology to the masses. Hate is protected by law. The founding fathers coming from Europe where speech was regulated and still is regulated today by state means wanted absolute freedom for the new lands in America. That freedom said any can speak to anything controversial or even hateful. It is all LEGAL in America.

Why do that when a controlled society like communist, theocrats and dictators enforce harmony by fiat of state is better managed system? The people have no say whatsoever. ?They are unfree in speech. No valve to outlet pent up racial, religious, societal, and even civic dissent in speech and actions leading to dissidence within society. Fear is totalitarians tools. Tyranny is their modus operandi.

That unlimited Fear of persecution of the common man and woman is what brought the founding fathers to the new promise land of a country called America. They sought Freedom, Liberties and Rights to break the wheel cycle of authoritarian streak. Some say this is Christian tenets they followed, others Masonic understanding. Truth is it was a reality of theirs to have foreseen and lived as sheep under despots be it of organized religion of state means or Kingships or powers of their times.

The founding fathers the likes of George Washington, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and many more notables. These wig and tights wearing white men wanted total freedom and sovereignty of their citizenship. Gave themselves and their entire country except for those colored of races the same rights at inception. We gradually moved to encompass all in our democracy and republic with time. That principle has been challenged again during our 250 years of history. From Abraham Lincoln the emancipator who arrested those he deemed seditious in speeches during the civil war to Woodrow Wilson during World War One with enemy aliens’ sedition act, among many who tried and failed to garnish the first amendment. Theirs was a temporary fix. Due to extenuating circumstances.

Circa 2024 today. We see a populace at best polarized and tribalized to the core political understandings. Whether we talk of any issue from politics to social means. There is an awning of more organized way by establishment to keep the lid on things. Hence a raft of understanding being developed by state means by party means and by media, elite and powerful means. It is not monolithic but diametrical ways that they seek to limit free speech. The first amendment in its form has outlived its purpose they say.

Average Mohamed vehemently disagrees with this understanding.

?As an activist in the field of extremism, be it hate, ideological, racial, or religious. I have one insight. What is not done in the open by the fringe masses goes underground to turn up in ways that is detrimental to society in Violence or mass criminalization of citizens exercising their values of speech. An American humorist once analogized. If you want kids to brush their teeth, ban it. You will see every kid walking with a toothbrush and brushing their teeth everywhere. This is true to free speech in this world. Unless fear of persecution of speaking repercussions over weighs the gains of it. Fear in harm, jail or death is usually the tool used historically to date by power and elite of totalitarianism. Laws passed to exact that outcome by theocrats, communist and dictator regimes.

? I would rather have the KU KLUX KLAN legal than illegal. To go out and we let their ideas compete against our diversity ideas. What is diversity you ask. It’s the acceptance of all within reason, without exception or exclusion of any in equal rights, freedoms, and liberties.

The outrage machine in America circa 2024, mass democracy exercise gone wrong is one in which cancel culture runs supreme. Your first amendment is no longer sacrosanct but amenable to ours as a collective of vitriolic means applied. From corporate means, state means to media means of ostracized of any who espouses different than what is proscribed to be accepted speech and values. Or preferred speech by them in our collective social engineering means to get an imposed false harmony. In essence a sheep making process of citizens not sovereignty of them as espoused, lived and taught by the founding fathers of America.

This age means of limiting Free Speech advocates forgot to compete, hence losing the narrative. To the point many find our corporations gone too far in means. Boycotts is norm now in America and the west by popular means of counter narrative by wallets. The state is relegated to conspiracy reigns now, trusted less their means of narratives torn down by the masses on all sides, Media is losing audience at a rate that is shocking to all. They have lost their reasoning now. To regain it we advocate as Average Mohamed go back to free speech means of diversity of ideas not spoon-fed ideas of social engineering. That has never worked in America. The land of the Free thinkers and doers.

?Hate is here, does not mean we accept it. None of us should, be it antiwesternism, racial, religious, or ideological. It means if our collective values are supreme, better, and human in ways of acceptance than others. Then compete using that same FIRST AMENDMENT against it. Our Average Mohamed works. Our mantra “It takes an idea to defeat an idea”.

Free speech lives in America to the points of dissent to dissidence of order or ways. This is absolute sacrosanct in this country, America the Beautiful. Therefore, the media, elite, powerful, establishment have a long way to tear it down or dilute it now. Good luck with that Average Mohamed says, for you are all heading down the path of censorship, blacklisting and embargo of your own citizens. ?By you the gate keepers of our democracy and republic. In this age where our differences with totalitarianism is what will save our democracy and republic order. For here live the Free People of the world.

If we the citizens loose Free Speech, then what is the difference between us Democracies and the totalitarians?

The founding fathers left us all a legacy, they did the revolution. We do the evolution for our age and time. For this Average Mohamed we are already pioneers of the system blacklisting, embargo and censoring us in ways unexpected. When in Rome do as the Romans we are taught. In America we do what every American has right to do. Ask for change, dissent when change does not come and outrightly dissidence to regime and order when all options rejected for power and other means applied. For this Average Mohamed, newbie minted American, we salute those white men exclusively club then of our founding fathers. They would never have imagined how that first amendment is being used today by hundreds of millions across Americans every day to defend their Freedom, Liberties and Rights in evolving minds to their causes. That means you just got to love America. That love starts with our founding fathers’ ideals.

The first amendment is sacrosanct, and we the common man and woman will never willingly abandon it ever. Because our Democracy is a beautiful thing for it. For here in America lives FREE SPEECH. For those who accept its consequences for nothing is truly free in this world of ours. Someone always pays the price for that Freedom, Liberties and Rights. This too is American way of Life.

Bill Ellerton

A proven Director and Executive with extensive leadership experience. Strategy development, financial management, technology demystification, risk management, and governance skills.

7 个月

It's time the Government made the same laws that apply to traditional media also apply to social media platforms.


