First Aid in the Workplace
Before we get stuck into the details of First Aid in the workplace, it is important that you are aware of the specific requirements. You can find them all under Chapter 2 of Part 7 of the General Application Regulations 2007.??
A note before we start:??
First Aid can be one of the first things that a company may try and tackle when they are starting/reviewing their health and safety management program. Initially, this can mean a significant investment, in training, time and first aid equipment. It is for sure a great place to start and a very important area to keep on top of. Unfortunately, unless you review the training regularly and manage your first aid stock, then you can end up being back to square one within a year or two. So, rule number one, when you invest time and money into the area of First Aid, make sure you maintain it to get the value from it.??
?What is First Aid???
So, what does “First Aid” actually mean??
First-aid Regulation 163. In this Chapter:?
“first-aid” means—?
(a) in a case where a person requires treatment from a registered medical practitioner or a registered general nurse, treatment for the purpose of preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury or illness until the services of a practitioner or nurse are obtained, or?
(b) in a case of a minor injury which would otherwise receive no treatment or which does not need treatment by a registered medical practitioner or registered general nurse, treatment of that minor injury; “occupational first-aider” means a person trained and qualified in occupational first-aid.?
So, in a nutshell, First Aid is the immediate temporary care for the ill and/or injured. The role of the first aider is three-fold:??
Thankfully the majority of workplace First Aids are minor. Usually, cuts, bruises, burns, sprains etc. However, it is in the more serious incidents that the three P’s will ensure that the First Aider concentrates on the priorities and makes the best decisions for the safety and well-being of the casualty.??
How many???
One of the first questions I get asked when reviewing the area of First Aid, is “how many first aiders do I actually need”? It’s a good place to start. Here is what the HSA says:??
*“A risk assessment in the context of the Safety Statement should consider the numbers employed, the nature of the work, the degree of hazard, the level of accidents arising, the size and location of the workplace, the distribution of the employees, shift working, availability of an occupational health service with the workplace and the distance and duration from external medical services etc.”
You may find the table below from the HSA helpful in deciding how many First Aiders you need:??
*Taken from the HSA website??
Benefits of First Aid Training?
Having your employees trained in First Aid will benefit you in many ways:??
Any safety training that you do with your employees will create a positive ripple effect on your employees and for your company. The more people you can involve in safety, the better it will be for your company when it comes to awareness and commitment.??
What next??
Once you have your First Aiders trained up, it is important that you review your First Aid kits:??
You will also need to consider how you communicate your First Aid policy and who your First Aiders are and where the First Aid kits are kept. If you have a company intranet or notice board, you could post this important information there. You could also have a sign-in area for your first aiders, to let employees know who is on-site and how to contact them.? You could also include this important information in the employee induction and handbook. If you have a site map, then you could include First Aid locations on this too.??
It’s important to remember that First Aid certificates expire after two years. After investing time and money into training, make sure that you have a system in place that will remind you to book employees on training before their cert expires. This is a common downfall that I see on a regular basis in companies that I am working with.??