First Aid for the Mind
Richard Armstrong
Safety advisor delivering site audits, inspections, EUSR Gas, Water, Power, Drains and Sewers training..
Millions of people think to get ahead they need to stop, fix or change something about themselves. And this can be very stressful and a recipe for disaster, I remember trying to improve my memory at a time when my life was in choas.
Have you ever tried to remember facts when you are super busy and being pulled in so many directions your retention span turns into a pantomine of disasters.Imagine trying to lose weight or start a new relationship when your emotions and negative thought process has not healed about the past and has massive anxieties about the future.
And this can apply to any area of your life that you have tried to change, stop, fix and not succeeded to the degree you see as a success...Set backs can send you further into a state of sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, anxiety as you adopt a mindset of defeat, hopelessness and despair
My first aid tip is this firstly learn to relax and see things for what they are not worse than they are, learn to mediate and learn to focus on what is important in your life, and you can only do this is if you know what your true purpose in life is.
This will require you to come to terms with the past and accept you for who you are and love everything about you. And to understand that good, bad, right, wrong is a paradox and both exist at the same time so it is what it is accept it.
Mind Calm is all about this, and I will teach you how to implement this easy concept into your life. I have worked with CEO's, Executives, Entrepreneurs, nurses,health care workers, prison officers, soldiers and many other professionals.
It is a one size fits all try Mind calm peace of mind First Aid....The only thing stopping you is a limited defeated mindset..