The First 4 Places To Focus Your Marketing For Maximum Return
Tim Fitzpatrick
MSP & B2B Professional Service Firm Marketing Consultant/Advisor | Fractional CMO | Build and manage your marketing engine to get where you want to go faster. | Remove Your Revenue Roadblocks
One of the most common roadblocks I see people face with content marketing is coming up with content ideas. What am I actually going to write about? Talk about? Speak about using my videos? I am going to share with you today some really helpful tools that's going to help you eliminate this roadblock once and for all.
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The First 4 Places To Focus Your Marketing For Maximum Return
One of the most common roadblocks that we see business owners face with marketing planning is determining where to focus their marketing efforts based on where they're at. Today, I'm going to share with you the first four places to focus your marketing for maximum return.
I am Tim Fitzpatrick with the Rialto Marketing, where we believe marketing shouldn't be difficult. All you need is the right plan. I want to thank you so much for taking the time to tune in. This is going to be a short episode here, but I think you will find it incredibly helpful because this comes up all the time. Hey, I know I need to invest in my marketing and, know I need to make some changes but where do I need to focus? Well, I'm going to tell you the first four places and a lot of these things are overlooked, right? People are constantly focusing on what they can do that's new. And a lot of people skip these things. So you really need to go back and think about do you actually have these four elements nailed down, ok? So the first one is your target market and your ideal clients. Everything from a marketing standpoint starts with your target market and who your ideal clients are within that target market.
You have to know who you are going to serve and how you are going to serve those people if you do not have a clear understanding of who those people are. You're never going to gain significant traction with your marketing, it's just you have to know who you're trying to reach because once you know who you're trying to reach and you really understand them, you're going to it's going to be much easier to determine what you need to say to those people to get them to take action.
The second thing with your target market is once you understand who your ideal clients are within that market, you can start to identify where they are, where do they congregate online and offline? What groups are they a part of? Who do they follow online? What email list are they a part of? What publications do they get? There's a laundry list of all those places they could be. But you can't create a list of where they are until you know who they are.
Once you know who they are, then you can start to create a list of where they are. And now you have a really nice list of where you can be, where you should be to get your message in front of your ideal clients so that you start to attract those people. So that's why your target market is first and foremost. If you do not have a handle on that, you're going to start there. Second is your messaging. What do you say?
How do you communicate your value and what you do clearly, simply and consistently, right? If we confuse people, we're going to lose them. And so I see so many businesses struggle with their messaging. So that's another reason why you got to get your target market first, then you can create really clear messaging that's going to engage and attract those ideal customer types, but if you're messaging is not on point man, you got to get it in place again, because if you don't have target market and your messaging dialed in, everything you do from a marketing perspective is going to suffer.
That's why these are the first two on the list. The third one is your website. Now, some people beg to differ. There's plenty of examples of people out there who have built a pretty successful businesses with not much of a website, but just because people have done that or can do that doesn't mean that they should be doing that, because in my opinion, everything you do from a marketing standpoint is driving people back to your website. And if you do not have a good website, good content, strong messaging, really clear call to action, that's telling people exactly what you want them to do, you're losing business. Guarantee, you are losing business. You may not see it. You may not be aware of it, but I guarantee you that is happening. And I guarantee you it's impacting your referral business, too, and you probably don't even know it. So your website, everything you do from a marketing perspective is sending people back to your website. If you get a referral, people aren't just picking up the phone, calling you or emailing you.
They're going. They're like, "Oh, hey, Tim referred me to this person. Let me go see what's going on and what they're all about before I actually reach out." If they go to your website and it's not impressive, they're not going to reach out. Let's be honest, so website, that's why it's number three. Now, number four, another one that is very commonly overlooked is after you've got your target market, you've got strong messaging for that market, your website is where it needs to be.
We need to look at what you're doing that's already working, what's already working? There's no need to reinvent the wheel here. This is super low-hanging fruit. So if, you know, if referrals are working for you, let's just take referrals as an example, we want to make sure that you are squeezing every drop of water out of that process to get to maximize your referrals and in most cases, people are not maximizing what's already working.
It's already working. So they're not really thinking about it all that much. But let's start with the end of that process and work our way backwards to see do we have gaps somewhere? Are there things that we could be doing better? Are there things that we could be doing more of to continue to improve that, the results from that process? So let's fully optimize what's already working within our business and once those tactics, those channels are fully optimized, then we can start to look at other tactics and other marketing channels, but until you've really fully optimized what's already working.
Why spend the time doing something else? You know, it already works, and if you can optimize it, it's going to work even better, ok? So this is again, this is not difficult, OK? This is really pretty simple. That doesn't mean it's easy. You've got to do the work, but it is simple. So those first four things that you need to focus on from a marketing planning perspective and getting your plan target market and your ideal client, got to know who they are very clearly and understand them.
Two, Is your messaging. What you're going to say to those ideal clients to engage them, attract them and get them to raise their hands and say, "Yes, I want to work with you." Three is your website and four is let's look at what's already working from a marketing perspective in your business. Fully optimize that. Then you can start to look at new tactics and new marketing channels. So I hope you find that helpful. I see so many people skip these things.
They want to get into the latest and greatest tactics, what everybody's talking about. And man, if you don't have these four things already in place, I don't think you have any business jumping into new tactics. You are going to waste time and you are going to waste money if you don't have these first four things in place before you start to expand. So I hope you found that helpful. Again, I am Tim Fitzpatrick with Rialto Marketing.
If you want to gain some clarity on where to focus or you need some help kind of honing in on these four elements that we've already talked about that I just talked about here, hop on over to our website, Rialto Marketing dot com. It's R-I-A-L-T-O marketing dot com. Click on the get a free consultation button. I would be happy to talk to you about these four elements and help you gain some clarity on how you can start to make progress with these four elements.
So again, get to get a free concept button. I guarantee you'll get a ton of value from it. And I would be happy to chat with you. Hope you found this helpful. Til next time. Take care.
About the Host Tim Fitzpatrick
Tim Fitzpatrick is the President of Rialto Marketing. At Rialto Marketing, we help service businesses simplify marketing so they can grow with less stress. We do this by creating and implementing a plan to communicate the right message to the right people. Marketing shouldn't be difficult. All you need is the RIGHT plan.