The First 3 Years Last Forever
Lara Ritson
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There is so much amazing research available to us these days about neuroscience and early childhood development. And it’s actually pretty mind blowing to learn that the first 3 years of life are when the most profound and significant development takes place. In fact the brain at birth is only a quarter of the size of an adult’s fully-grown brain and in the first year alone it doubles in size!
Sometimes when we hear these facts we think “Quick – we’ve got to teach the child as much as we can while the brain is still so malleable!” But actually it’s got nothing to do with early academies and flash cards - the young brain isn’t ready for this cognitive learning. Instead, the biggest influence on whether a child develops a healthy brain or not is in the quality of early relationships she receives with the adults in her life.
When a baby enters this world he is dependant on his caregivers for his survival until such time as he matures and becomes independent. When his basic needs are met during childhood - the need for food, sleep and warmth as well as the emotional need for love and connection - his brain is happy because he knows he is safe. With a happy brain your child is in the perfect state for learning.
And there is so much learning to do – learning how to walk or to talk, learning what grass feels like under the feet or the taste of homemade bread and learning how to be a social being in this world. This process of learning is hardwired in the brain to naturally unfold when secure attachment lays the foundation of a healthy brain. Responsive, consistent and warm caregivers who become the role models of love and kindness – that’s what the young brain needs most!
Interested to learn more about how early experience shape the brain? Take a look at this wonderful article by Brainwave Trust to find out more.
For more tips and tricks around caring for children, click here.
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Indeed. Its the foundation for everything later in life.