The first 3 steps if your employment ends,.........abruptly
Avinash Deshpande
??Group Strategy & Business Planning Manager | Certified Happiness Coach | Licensed Innovation Coach | Co-Founder MBK Global Consulting |PIH Board Secretary | Global Congress Award for Strategic Leadership | ??????
Recently there has been a lot of news, posts, and articles around how people have been terminated, asked to hand over resignations, or take annual leaves never to return back to work and the common factor amongst all these scenarios are that it was never seen to be for you ….until it strikes right in your face one bright and sunny morning when you least expect it.
So while it's optimistic when you hear “all happens for the best “, what you do after it happens determines whether it really has happened for the best. Having read so many messages about this with #OPENTOWORK being the latest and the fastest trending one, it is important for one to be able to take a deep breath and ask yourself “#What's Next”.
While you have the option to complain, feel bad ( for yourself and for others), go into the cave (metaphorically speaking ) and /or dwell upon and cherish the good times and experiences from the time spent with your respective organization, it may not lead you answer your “What Next “.
What could help, are these three steps that could define the way forward, help you identify your outlook towards the future, and develop an action plan for something you can do immediately. Try it out and see how it changes the perspective ..While the obvious homework would be to update your resumes to showcase your USP ( read the entire article to know-how), these three steps could be the building blocks of your next career move.
Step 1: Accept the fact: Take a deep breath and accept the circumstances you are currently in, let the facts sink in, and the earlier the better so that you can move on to the next step quickly. Acceptance not only by your brain but your entire self is a critical aspect to move forward. You may have gone through many setbacks in the past and come out of it successfully to make it to where you are today. Consider this as one of those where you will be coming out this as a winner too.
Step 2: Connect with everyone: The important next step is to use your connections to the optimum, the fundamental reason we connect with people is to either we seek something that we want or to offer something that we have in during these times people are more than willing to offer help and support to those who need it provided they know that someone is asking them to help. So be open to saying “I am seeking new opportunities” for if you do not make it obvious people may not be able to help you.
Step 3: Work on a Plan B: You are not alone. The entire world is facing the wrath of this pandemic, there would be many others along with you whom you know, either from the same organization or from other organizations who would have received a release. Connect with them, brainsail for alternatives, share opportunities. The market will be flooded with talent just like yours, so either you compromise on the what is being offered in the market or if not, look at setting up something of your own, consider that passion that you always wanted to explore, that one thing that you always dreamt of doing. Yes, it may not be the right time to start something new, but it could be a reason to start something new, isn’t it? As they say, “Necessity is the Mother of Invention”.
So if I were to consider my strengths, I would lookout for a potential partner who would be wanting to start a consulting firm or hire a consulting partner using my expertise in transformational strategies for cost optimization, Business Process automation/digitalization, resource optimization, business analytics, and transformational PMO, etc. and that would be similar to other resources available in the market. then the question would be "Why Me?
But if I add my people skills in the form of a Robert Kaplan Certified Balanced Score Card Practitioner or Richard Bandler licensed NLP Communication Expert or an ICF Certified Business Coach, and the many other Professional certifications you may have and then pitch myself as a potential candidate for hire, that’s what shows the USP, the reason someone could not resist hiring you before its competition does. And that’s what is important during these times. While there could be many such potential ways to create your USP and then showcase it to the Corporate HR teams, the CEOs and the CXO’s who are currently hiring, writing articles, and helping others could be just one of them…
Consider this !!
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