First 10 Things to do After an Accident
Ensure that the vehicle that you are riding in has come to a complete stop and is completely stationary.
a. People have been injured attempting to climb from a still moving vehicle.
2) Take stock of your condition
a. Determine the extent of your injuries.
b. Determine the condition of all your fellow occupants
i. People
ii. Pets
c. Determine the condition of the vehicle.
i. If the air bags deployed, there will be dust in the air.
1. This is NOT smoke
2. This is safe to breath
3) Unless impossible, remain in your vehicle for safety.
a. If the vehicle is on fire, evacuate immediately
b. If the vehicle is under water, evacuate immediately
c. For all other conditions, remain within the vehicle and do not touch metal surfaces
4) If your vehicle can be moved,
a. Pull out of traffic and to the side of the road.
b. In some areas the law forbids moving the vehicle.
i. Familiarize yourself with the local laws.
5) Call the police and request what assistance you require.
a. Never apologize to anybody for having caused the accident even if you think it might be your fault. You are not an expert; you do not know all the details.
b. Never offer to keep it between you and the other parties.
c. Law enforcement officers, Experts and Insurance will determine the degree to which each driver may have contributed to the collision.
6) Exchange information with the drivers involved
a. Drivers involved should provide each other with their:
i. Name
ii. Address
iii. Phone number
iv. Insurance company name
v. Insurance policy number
vi. Name of the insured person and relationship to the driver
vii. Driver’s license state and number
viii. License plate number for the driver and the owner of each vehicle
ix. Car year, make, model and color
7) File a police report if possible
a. Some localities will no longer take a police report for most incidents.
b. Some will allow you to decide if you want one prepared.
i. Even if the police indicated they think you may be at fault, get a report
ii. Law enforcement investigations of accidents are notoriously in error
iii. The report will still provide invaluable information for later
8) Notify your insurance provider
a. Most have a 24/7 phone number for reporting traffic accidents
b. Notify your insurance before the other party does
9) Call George Ripsom & Associates
a. 1 (800) 527-2742 - 24/7/365
b. A Traffic Collision Expert will provide free advice on your case and offer assistance.
10) Contact your attorney
a. Regardless of whether it is civil or criminal, OR you are the victim or are the cause.