Neha Gupta
Founder Alchemy of Organization Development I Leadership (CXO) Coach I OD Consultant I Diversity & Inclusion I Leadership Development #alchemyofod #awakeleadershipcoaching
"The work would be within and beyond."
What metaphor best represents this work of looking within and beyond with a highly talented team?
The team needs to get in touch more deeply with themselves, not just the light but warts 'n all - as individuals and as a team. They need to know their inner glow in its humanness not in its perfection. What makes them who they are - unique, passionate, gifted, ordinary, so human? This realization would then be the inner glow. The work within.
And a glow spreads. It is not limited to the organism (person or team), it spreads across. That is the vision for this team - spreading their glow beyond their own selves, to the whole organization and even beyond to their customers, not just themselves but by aligning with each person who makes up the organization. Taking on more than the role put on paper, but bringing in themselves as people and creating what they want to create of it.
What a celebration! So many beautiful, imperfect beings glowing together! The work beyond.
The perfect metaphor - Firefly.
~ Neha