Firefighters Running For Their Lives… Why?
If there is one group of brave men & women protecting our communities who are always running into buildings when others are running out, it’s our first responders, especially the firefighters. So why was our country’s finest running out of a downtown burning building in Los Angeles, California, on May 16th, 2020?
“Everybody off the roof! Mayday! Mayday! All companies out of the building!”
These were the words from a captain on the radio, words that no one wants to hear, especially when you know 100’s of firefighters are on scene. Just thinking about this situation would give anyone goosebumps, and should leave us wondering:
Why were they facing such danger, to begin with?
Was there possible information missing that could have helped protect all firefighters and the public that were involved?
It’s hard to believe that this is still happening today — the most advanced times of our modern lives — especially when everyone has data on everything, in the palm of their hands. I cannot help but wonder why firefighters were caught in this warehouse, for the second time in this exact building. There was a similar incident in 2016 which took 160 firefighters to put out. Are there measures that could have been taken to mitigate the danger and lives at risk?