Firefighter Store Visits & the Pandemic
Today, I want to talk to you about a real time and money waster. Amid this pandemic, it is even more relevant.
It's about the mind numbingly unproductive store visits going on in many retail stores everyday... everywhere.
You know those store visits where the Regional or District Manager spends more time on the phone with others than they spend with the Store Manager and sales team of the store they're in?
Why do you suppose they do that?
I have some thoughts on the topic and some suggestions for you, as well.
Firefighter Store Visits aka Crisis Visits
Do you think it's because there are serious fires everywhere? No.
Is it because they are so important no one can do anything - make any decision or make any move without their approval? Not likely.
Is it because they just don't care? Of course not.
I know why and I'll tell you...
Now, despite the fact that we've figured out Firefighter Store Visits are NOT Productive, they continue ...much to the chagrin of the business owner or top executive!
Most career retail people have witnessed the 'Crazed District Manager' in action; always moving fast, talking to two ...sometimes three people at a time and not making a lot of headway.
They're always in a sweat or a panic and their briefcase is seriously overloaded...files and papers poking out all over the place.
Their hair is flying, they're always checking their watch...and they almost trip over small children while rushing through the mall.
To the casual observer, this appears to be one very busy and productive individual. Get out of the way...s/he means business. (OK, maybe not so much but we'll leave that for another day.)
In any case, this is not the picture of the District or Regional Manager who gets caught up in real Firefighter Store Visits.
The ones we're talking about today are not moving too fast and they're not crazed or confused.
They're pretty normal people, actually.
They don't start out with the intention of ignoring the store they're in, but somehow it always happens.
And it frustrates them just as much as it frustrates the Store Manager.
But, there are problems everywhere, every day, every hour - urgent issues and problems and crises that need the immediate attention of the District Manager...right?
The answer is:
No...not everywhere
...not every day...not every hour.
Not even close.
No. The reason some RMs and DMs run around in firefighting or crisis mode when they visit stores is because they don't have a solid plan that is strong enough to keep them on track.
They don't have a plan and an objective that can stand against those who would blow them off course; a plan strong enough to hold up against distractions that are everywhere.
Without the slightest of insincere intentions or devious nature, others will naturally impose their agenda on you if you don't have a strong one of your own. It happens all the time.
Chances are really good that, barring some special event or major upheaval in the company, there aren't all that many things happening that require the urgent and undivided attention of the RM or DM every hour of every day...everywhere.
Some, yes of course, but not that many.
There are certainly situations that could be described as emergencies but many more that could be described as imagined emergencies and, worse, simply distractions somehow presenting themselves as emergencies.
The distinction depends on a few things.
One of those things is the management style of the District or Regional Manager and the expectations that have been set, by them, for their subordinates or team members.
Some of those trying to get their attention could probably handle whatever it is on their own provided the RM or DM has given them the know-how and the authority to do so.
At DMSRetail, we're strong advocates for true empowerment...which should not be confused with the old
"empowerment for all" claim.
You might remember a time, not so many years ago, when every employee had to feel empowered.
Courses were taught and every employee was strongly encouraged to "be empowered".
If your employees weren't were just not running your company properly.
The only problem was that it was fake...disingenuous...artificial if you get my drift!
Every time a so-called empowered employee made a mistake, the wrath of some manager came down on them and taught them - very clearly - that they were not truly empowered.
Anyway, the point is that the position of Store Manager is an important one; one that needs to be held by a truly empowered employee to make decisions, fix things that go wrong, drive the business with everything he's got and, generally, look to their superior for support, some guidance, some professional development and more than a little help in removing obstacles to success...but not for every little thing that comes up.
Truly empowered employees do not call the boss every five minutes because there is no need to do so.
When a truly empowered employee calls, it's understood that there's a good reason for it.
If a Store Manager is new, they may need more guidance. But they might be able to get that guidance from colleagues or, perhaps, a book.
Even for brand new people, their immediate superior should not necessarily be the very first person to contact whenever something comes up.
If they have taught their subordinates to contact them for every little thing, then the RM or DM is always going to conduct Firefighter Store Visits. They'll never have the benefit of empowered employees and, for that matter, customers won't get that benefit either.
Worth thinking about, for sure.
RMs and DMs have to ensure all of their Store Managers understand what a crisis is so they can identify one when it occurs... and act accordingly.
Firefighter Store Visits can be a thing of the past when you follow the "MAX ROI Store Visits 7 step process."
Click to Learn more about Max ROI Store Visits
Until Next Time...All the Success!