Fire Service Access Elevators Explained

Fire Service Access Elevators Explained

What are Fire Service Access Elevators (FSAE)



Fire Service Access Elevators or F.S.A.E. for short, are designed with strict and rigorous standards to allow firemen and first responders to utilize the elevator for the purpose of quickly accessing floors as well as evacuating occupants in the event of an emergency. ?This is a huge step for first responders as time is extremely crucial when addressing buildings of this size. Another special condition for elevators is known as Occupant Evacuation Elevators. ?These are self-evacuation elevators with special requirements much like FSAEs.

Fire Service Access Elevators

What Code Requires the Use of Fire Service Access Elevators?

Did you know the 2021 International Fire Code now requires 120 VAC single and multiple station smoke alarms to produce a 520 Hz low frequency audible tone??

The requirement to provide fire service access elevators can be found in the IBC or International Building Code 2021 section 403.6.1 "In buildings with an occupied floor more than 120 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle?access, no fewer than two fire service access elevators, or all elevators, whichever is less, shall be provided in accordance with section 3007. ?Each fire service access elevator shall have a capacity not less than 3500 pounds." The requirements on how a fire service access elevator is to be installed can be found in the IBC or International Building Code 2021 section 3007. Other references include:

Requirements of Fire Service Access Elevators

When a fire service access elevator is required by the IBC section 403.6.1, every floor within the building shall be served and comply with sections 3007.1 through 3007.9

Automatic Sprinkler Requirements:

The building with FSAE shall be protected throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.3.1.1. ?The automatic sprinkler system shall be provided with a supervised tamper switch and alarm initiating water flow switch on every floor of the building. ?Note, the following areas are prohibited from having automatic fire sprinkler protection:

  • Elevator Machine Rooms ?
  • Elevator Machinery Spaces
  • Elevator Control Rooms
  • Elevator Control Spaces
  • Elevator Hoistways of the Fire Service Access Elevator

The lobby on each floor served by the fire service access elevator shall have an approved method of preventing water from the operation of the automatic sprinkler system from infiltrating the FSAE hoistway.

Lastly, a means for elevator shutdown or Shunt Trip in accordance with IBC section 3005.5 shall NOT be installed on elevator controllers used for fire service access elevators.

Fire Service Access Elevator Hoistway Enclosure

The shaft or hoistway enclosure shall comply with IBC section 713 "Shaft Enclosures" as well as section 403.2.3.1 "Wall Assembly" and sections 403.2.3.4 "Other Wall Assemblies".

Another important aspect to keep in mind is the hoistway lighting for the FSAE shaft. ?When the Fire Service Access operation is active, the entire height of the hoistway shall be illuminated at NOT less than 1 footcandle (11 lux). ?This measurement is to be taken from the top of each fire service access elevator cab. ?

**The fire service access elevator status panel (located in the FCC room) shall have a switch to manually operate this lighting feature. ? ?

Fire Service Access Elevator Cab Dimensions

Although this is not a direct requirement for FSAE rather buildings that are four stories or more, it still applies and is worth mentioning. ?IBC section 3002.4 "Elevator Car to Accommodate Ambulance Stretcher" gives us the dimensions required for the cab. ?"The elevator car shall be of such a size and arrangement to accommodate an ambulance stretcher 24 inches by 84 inches with not less than 5 inch radius corners, in the horizontal, open position. ?ADA Table 407.4.1 breaks this down a little further and gives us the following: ?The cab shall be provided with a minimum clear distance between walls and door excluding return panels not less than 80 inches by 54 inches and a minimum distance from wall to return panel not less than 51 inches with a 42 inch side slide door.

Fire Service Access Elevator Car Dimensions

FSAE Lobby Requirements

Egress through the fire service access elevator lobby is permitted in accordance with IBC section 1016.2 "Egress Through Intervening Spaces" item #1. ?The exception to this rule is if the FSAE lobby has two entrances onto the floor, the second entrance shall be permitted to open into an elevator lobby in accordance with IBC section 3006.3 "Hoistway Opening Protection".

The fire service access elevator lobby shall have direct access to to an enclosed interior exit stairway or ramp. ?The interior exit stairway or ramp can be in a protected pathway that has a level of protection not less than the FSAE lobby. ?The path of travel and FSAE lobby shall be separated via an opening protected by a smoke and draft control assembly in accordance with IBC section 716.5.3 "Door Assemblies in Corridors and Smoke Barriers". ?

The FSAE lobby enclosure shall have smoke barrier having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour. ?The FSAE lobby doors shall be 3/4 hour fire door assemblies in accordance with IBC section 716.5 "Fire Door and Shutter Assemblies". ?This rule does NOT apply to the hoistway doors, elevator control room doors or elevator control space doors.? Fire Service Access Elevators (FSAE) lobbies are not required to be enclosed at the levels of exit discharge.

Keep in mind the elevator lobbies for fire service access elevators shall be no smaller than 150 square feet in area with a dimension not less than 8 feet. ?This rule applies no matter how many FSAE cabs are served by the same lobby. ?Example 8 feet x 19 feet would give you 152 square feet of lobby area. ?

Fire Service Access Elevator Stretcher

How are Fire Service Access Elevators Designated or Noticed?

IBC section 3007.6.5 gives us the following information. ?A pictorial symbol of a STANDARDIZED design shall be placed on each side of the hoistway door frame on the portion of the frame at right angles to the fire service access elevator lobby. ?To clear that up, the symbol shall be installed on the frame where it is noticeable immediately upon entry to the FSAE lobby.

Here is a picture of the symbol depicted in the IBC figure 3007.6.5

Fire Service Access Elevator Symbol

The following are guidelines for the design of the symbol:

  • The FSAE symbol shall not be less than 3 inches in height
  • The helmet shall contrast the background. ?It states you can use a dark helmet on light background or light helmet on dark background.
  • The symbol shall be located on center line of the symbol and FSAE door frame at a height of not less 78 inches or more than 84 inches. ?

FSAE Monitoring

The fire service access elevators shall be continuously monitored at the FCC by a standard emergency service interface system meeting requirements found in NFPA 72 the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.

FSAE Electrical Power

The following that serve each fire service access elevator shall be provided with both normal power as well as Type 60/Class 2/Level 1 standby power:

  1. Elevator equipment
  2. Elevator hoistway lighting
  3. Ventilation for elevator machine rooms, elevator control rooms, machine and control spaces.
  4. Elevator cab lighting

He is the big one to watch out for.

Protection of Wiring and Cables for Fire Service Access Elevators

Wires and cables located OUTSIDE of the fire service access elevator lobby and machine room that are provided for the fire-detection system shall be protected by construction having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours, shall be circuit integrity (CI) cable with a rating of not less than 2 hours or shall be protected by a listed electrical protective system having a rating of not less than 2 hours.

Phase 1 Recall for Fire Service Access Elevators

This is currently taken from our home state of California out of the California Building Code 2013 of CBC section 3007.2. ?Activation of ANY initiating device within the building shall active the phase 1 recall of all fire service access elevators. ?All standard elevators shall remain in the normal operation unless they are manually taken over via key or the activation of their associated fire alarm initiating devices. ?

Firemen Inside Elevator Cab FSAE

NFPA 72 Requires Elevator Lobby and Equipment Rooms to Monitor the Presence of Heat?

NFPA 72 2019 section 21.5 requires an approved means for firefighters to monitor smoke and heat conditions in the FSAE lobbies and associated machine/control rooms. ?This is intended to provide firefighters with more information to determine whether the FSAE lobby protection has been compromised. This means shall include a dedicated FSAE Status Panel located at the FCC. (Reference NFPA 72-2019 Section 21.5 indicated in item 4.g below). ?For Notifier we use the addressable FMM-4-20 module along with a Veris Industries TW or TE wall mounted temperature sensor. ?We then provide a custom LED status panel from the?H.R. Kirkland?Company Inc. with each elevator lobby broken down into 3 temperature levels. ?See image below of a Fire Service Access Elevator Status Panel for San Francisco, CA. Read this article to see how Notifier is accomplishing the monitoring of individual temperature ranges within each fire service access elevator lobby. ?"Temperature Sensors for Fire Service Access Elevators"

Fire Service Access Elevator Status Panel

In closing fire service access elevators are a fairly new setup allowing fire fighters and first responders to access the elevators in the event of a fire. ?Since these lifts are established as Fire Service Access Elevators, they must meet some very strict rules to ensure they are safe and will function in the extreme conditions of a structure fire. All code references for this article are found in the 2021 Edition of the International Building Code.

Temperature Sensors for Fire Service Access Elevators

Code Background for Fire Service Access Elevators

In a previous post, we discussed the importance of Fire Service Access Elevators or FSAE based on their ability to assist first responders in the evacuation of occupants in the event of a fire. ?These fire service access elevators are becoming more and more advanced with special requirements to insure the safety of operators during a high rise structure fire. ?Most of the requirements outlined in the previous post "Fire Service Access Elevators Explained", ?are found in the International Building Code or IBC. ?The FSAE sections include 403.6.1 and 3007.1 - 3007.9. ?However, in the State of California we go by the California Building Code or CBC. ?The only major difference spelled out in the CBC is the section on Fire Service Access Elevator "Phase 1 Recall". ?In the CBC the requirements for the Phase 1 Recall are as follows: ?"Activation of ANY initiating device within the building shall active the phase 1 recall of all fire service access elevators. ?All standard elevators shall remain in the normal operation unless they are manually taken over via key or the activation of their associated fire alarm initiating devices." Now as with most jurisdictions and AHJs, you will more than likely have to deal with local adopted ordinances. ?These are alterations to the adopted code by your AHJ. ?Once these ordinances have become officially adopted, they override the National or State Code. ?A perfect example of this is San Francisco's "Administrative Bulletin #5.08" ?better known as AB #5.08. ?San Francisco Fire Department (SFFD) has adopted this bulletin making it the new code.

Where is the Requirement for Temperature Sensors in FSAE Lobbies?

In the SFFD AB #5.08 titled "Fire Service Access Elevators" section 3.0 (e) you will find the following language: "An approved means for firefighters to monitor heat conditions in FSAE lobbies and associated?machine/control rooms, such as analog heat sensing system annunciated at the Fire Command Center?(FCC). This is intended to provide firefighters with more information to determine whether the FSAE?protection has been compromised. This means shall include a dedicated FSAE Status Panel located?at the FCC. (Reference NFPA 72-2019 Section 21.5 indicated in item 4.g below)" This requirement is in place to give the first responders a live reading of the temperature present in a given fire service access elevator lobby before traveling to the area. ?This requirement makes the standard code found in the IBC section 3007 a little more complicated and costly however the benefits of life safety are worth it. Now the code above does not exactly tell us how to display this requirement other than using an Approved Means. ?Currently in San Francisco, we are using a custom LED annunciator with individual LEDs depicting 3 different temperature ranges and 1 LED for fault per FSAE lobby. ?The temperature ranges are as follows:

  • NORMAL < or = 90 degrees (GREEN LED)
  • MONITORING 90 to 135 degrees (AMBER/YELLOW LED)
  • UNSAFE > 135 degrees (RED LED)

Fire Service Access Elevator Temperature LEDs

You can see a screenshot of a Fire Service Access Elevator dedicated status panel in our previous article title "Fire Service Access Elevators Explained".

How do We Monitor Heat Conditions Within the FSAE Lobbies?

Each major fire alarm equipment manufacturer has their own method of accomplishing this feat however we am going to use Notifier as an example in this article. ?Notifier has an addressable monitor module known as the FMM-4-20. ?This module utilizes a 4-20 mA circuit to connect with 2-wire and 3-wire temperature sensors that produce a 4-20 mA signal output. ?Only one sensor can be connected to a FMM-4-20 module. ?The temperature sensors we have been using are the TW series from Veris Industries. ?Below is a picture of the Veris Industries TE Temperature Sensor and FMM-4-20 wiring diagram.

FMM-4-20 Programming with Verifire Tools

We are not going to get into too much detail on the programming of the FMM-4-20 module for the purpose of monitoring fire service access elevator lobbies, however, we have included a few notes and screenshots to show the setup and options.

Notifier Verifire Tools with FMM-4-20 Module

CBE positions 3 - 7 are assigned to FMM-4-20 threshold levels 1 - 5 respectively. (Threshold levels are user-programmed. Refer to “FMM-4-20 Monitor Module Programming” on page 48 of the NFS2-3030 programming manual.) Each will activate only if the device is currently at that threshold level. Once the device leaves that threshold level, the zone in its corresponding CBE position will remain active or deactivate according to whether its threshold is programmed for latching or tracking.



You've noted that the 2019 NFPA 72 requires the elevator lobby and equipment rooms to monitor for the presence of heat (and smoke) but the 2016 code also requires that. 2019 added the language "or other annunciator as approved by the AHJ." How is this done in areas where the continuous monitoring is not as spelled out as San Francisco?


Can Stairs be accessed from the fire service access lobby by way of double sided Elevator? Assuming the elevator can meet all the other fire and smoke requirements?



Kyle Schuler, SET的更多文章

