Fire Resistance Design of Steel Components with Hot-Dip Galvanizing in RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9

Fire Resistance Design of Steel Components with Hot-Dip Galvanizing in RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9

With the Steel Design add-on, you can design steel components in the event of fire using the simple design methods from Eurocode 3. The component temperature at the time of detection can be determined automatically according to the temperature-time curves specified in the standard. In addition to considering fire protection cladding, it is also possible for you to consider the beneficial properties of hot-dip galvanizing.

Hot-dip galvanizing of steel components is typically used as a?corrosion protection measure. In addition, the consideration of the hot-dip galvanized?surface?also has an advantageous effect on the fire protection design. According to findings from a?research project at the Technical University of Munich, the emissivity of the steel?surface?is significantly reduced by hot-dip galvanizing?Refer [1]?.

In a?temperature range up to 500 ° C, an emissivity of εm?= 0.35 is recommended instead of the εm?= 0.7 assumed globally in EN 1993-1-2. These results were also included in?guideline?027 of the DASt (German Committee for Steel Construction). An introduction to the next generation of Eurocodes is also aimed at.

The emissivity of the component?surface?is an essential influencing parameter for the determination of the component temperature according to EN 1993-1-2. Depending on the duration of the fire, the lower the emissivity results in lower temperatures and thus a?higher load-bearing capacity at the time of detection. By using hot-dip galvanizing, it is often possible to achieve a?fire resistance of R30 (fire duration of 30 minutes) even without further fire protection measures.

Temperature determination at the time of verification in the steel design add-on

Define the parameters for the fire protection design of a?member?in the?steel design add-on?in the fire protection configuration. To determine the relevant component temperature at the time of detection using the analytical method, the corresponding temperature-time curve, the required duration and the fire exposure must be selected. You can adjust the coefficients used to determine the temperature in the 'Thermal?actions?for temperature determination' section. As a?standard setting, the values according to EN 1993-1-2 are initially stored. Activate the 'Galvanized?surface?of the carbon steel bar' check box to take into account the lower emissivity up to the component temperature of 500 ° C.

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Image 01 - Steel design EN 1993 | Fire protection configuration with activated option for galvanized component surface

The intermediate values for determining the component temperature are clearly listed in the verification details of the fire protection verifications. In addition, the temperature?time diagram?is available for each?member.

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Image 02 - Detection details and temperature-time diagram for a hot-dip galvanized component

Fire protection design in the steel design add-on

For the fire protection design, the?load case?combination is made for the exceptional design case. In comparison to the combination for the ultimate limit state, the partial safety factors and also the combination factors are applied more favorably. To do this, create another design situation of the type 'Exceptional - psi-2.1' and activate it in the steel design.

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Image 03 - Exceptional design situation for fire protection verifications

The component checks according to EN 1993-1-2?Section?4.2.3 are carried out in the add-on for this design situation. First, perform the temperature determination described above. In the subsequent design, the temperature-related reduction factors are taken into account in accordance with the component temperature at the time of verification. In the following example, a?ceiling?beam?with 3-sided fire exposure is examined. Due to the unusual design situation, the design value of the bending moment is roughly halved in comparison to ULS. The load-bearing capacity in the event of fire would therefore be given if the temperature-related decrease in?strength?at the time of verification is less than 50%.

For a?fire duration of 30 minutes (R30), a?component temperature of 675 ° C results for an HEM 180 without the use of hot-dip galvanizing. At this temperature, only 41% of the load-bearing capacity is available for the?cross-section?design. The design is therefore not fulfilled for the example girder. Fire protection measures would have to be provided or a?larger profile selected.

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Image 04 - Exceeded fire protection certificate for the beam without hot-dip galvanizing

With hot-dip galvanizing, the component temperature is only 567 ° C and 61% of the load-bearing capacity is still available at the time of verification. This means that the verifications are fulfilled without any further fire protection measures. All relevant intermediate values and the formulas used for the design are listed in the design details.

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Image 05 - Fulfilled Fire Resistance Design for Beam with Hot-Dip Galvanizing

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#FireResistance?#HotDip #Galvanization?#Temperature #Determination?#DesignCheckTime?#R30


[1]??Mensinger, M.; Gaigl, C.:?Feuerwiderstand verzinkter Stahlkonstruktionen, Stahlbau 88, Seiten 3-10. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 2019


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