Fire the Customer ... Grow the Business

Fire the Customer ... Grow the Business

My nearly 5 year old daughter Sophia told me she had a bump on her head because one of the boys pushed her.

I just wanted to give her the lesson I learned when I was a child when it came to bullies.

Punch them.

Put them on the floor and embarrass them… any they leave you alone.

But that is not proper advice for 2024.

The proper advice was from my wife who told her how to scold him with her own version of a “teacher voice.”

And it works..? she hasn’t been bothered since she told the boy sharply to lay off.

Reminds me of one of my clients and how she took off with her business when she dealt with her bully.

It was a client that was the majority of her revenues and knew that fact to push her around and mentally abuse her.

“Fire them…” I told her..

“But they are a big part of my sales..” she replied.

“You’ll take a short term hit but freeing your time and getting your sanity back will allow you to find better and more profitable customers.”

She took my advice and fired him.

And with the time she freed she went and got three new customers in 30 days.

Now she was working less and earning more and finising in time to have dinner with her young son and put him to bed.

I don’t know about you.. but one reason I started my business was to have the freedom to decide who I do business with.

If you want to stop trading your time for dollars or worse jerks, than sign up for our Monthly Round Table and join a community to help you take back control and decide with whom and how you will spend your time.

P.S. I work with business owners who feel overwhelmed by the business they built and are desperate to find a way out of their dilemma—whether that’s selling, stepping back from daily operations, or simply gaining control of their lives again.

Through my Socratic Success System, we optimise cash flow, boost the value of their company, and give them the freedom they’ve been craving.

Instead of vague ideas and empty promises, they discover solutions tailored to their needs—allowing them to effortlessly implement real, lasting changes that transform their business -and lives.

But don't take my word for it. Come to and check out our different services and resources.

You can also find out more about me and what I do by clicking my LinkTree.


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