FinOps & Databricks (Episode 1)
With the rise of SAAS Data plarforms users and/or admins are authorized to create on demand ressources (compute / RAM, GPU) which is great but may lead to situations where costs run out of control???
This is why it is important to proactively monitor costs and this is called "FinOps"
FinOps (short for Financial Operations) is a management practice for managing cloud finances, but it also emphasizes a cultural change within the organization that promotes collaboration between finance, engineering, and business teams.
FinOps is a way to manage your cloud finances effectively :
FinOps in Databricks
When you run a Databricks workspace you mainly pay for 3 things : DBU (Databricks Unit), Compute (Virtual Machine from the cloud provider) and Storage (also from the cloud provider).
Each of these metrics should be kept in control and proactively monitored
Zoom on Compute : DBU pricing
DBU price depends on type of task you are running, and it impacts directly the cost. Sometimes you don't have choice, but sometimes you can for example to run a task on Job Cluster ($0.07/DBU) or All Purpose cluster ($0.40/DBU) and it makes a big difference.
Hint : You can monitor SKU type of cluster from the system table called "Clusters"
There is a lot to say on FinOps on Databricks, I hope this article is a good starting point for your journey.
This is the first article of a series on "FinOps & Databricks", stay tuned
For more information & help (my costs are out of control ??) : [email protected]
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