Finite Experiences.
So you plan a big reunion with your school friends and are excited about meeting your old chums, rekindle the good times, you have prepared all the jokes that will make you stand out, finally, the D day arrives, and as you arrive at the event there was a swing in your mood, all of a sudden there are thoughts in your mind that make you feel that the whole exercise was so futile, you don't enjoy the food so much, you half-heartedly participate in the banter, to add insult to injury you drown yourself in your phone randomly going through the timeline on social media.
A week later you look back and are regretful about your behavior, you feel awful that you did not make the most of the opportunity, there was so much fun that went unaccounted for, so much you could have said and so much more you could have listened to, so what went wrong?
Two things went wrong, one was the mistake of identifying with the bad mood that overcame you on the D day, and the second is the lack of acknowledgment that we have a limited period on this planet and that means we have access to finite experiences of everything, a reunion meet is even rarer. Even doing regular chores like dropping your kid to school might look mundane but in not so distant future there will be the last time you will drop your kid to school or buy them chocolates for instance.
As the 13th-century Persian poet Rumi famously said, " When you are everywhere, you are nowhere. When you are somewhere, you are everywhere.”
Meditation can kill 2 birds with one stone, one is just to give us the ability to completely be unaffected by thoughts and emotions arising in our minds and still allow us to function normally, the second is that it helps in bringing the attention to the present moment, so it does not matter how many times you might drop your kid to school you never cease to enjoy the moment, the company of your child always feels like a new experience, you experience the same unbridled joy when you have bought the first bar of chocolate or the hundredth for your child.
People who live the most fulfilling lives are the ones who are always fully present in the moment, not in the past or in the future, these people can also disassociate completely with rising thoughts and emotions with consummate ease. We all owe ourselves fulfilling lives, since we get only one shot at it we might as well make the most of every moment that we encounter, Meditation clears the path for more fulfilling experiences.
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