Finish What You Started!
Alrena Lightbourn, MS, CQIA, Ph.D., MSHAPI, MA
Seasoned commercial banker turned biological specialist with proven expertise in environmental toxicology, HHRA, PHA, basic clinical research, and translational pharmacogenomic research.
It is not uncommon for persons, especially early professionals, to recess to a place of defeat, shame, and guilt when the timing of their expectation coincides with a period of delay. You've heard me testify of this experience before. Nonetheless, it was the glimmer of hope deep in my heart that my passion superimposed on all negative thoughts that kept me from succumbing to the trenches of life. Decades of early starts and quick finishes, medals, awards and honors could not prepare me for the stark surprise and awestruck wonder the pathway that deferred dreams imposes. Yet, I just knew that I could not settle for second best, unemployed, underemployed, or out-of-sight and out-of-mind. I worked hard all my life to get here! How dare 'life' try to rob me of my very dream! I replayed in my head those speeches I gave in my youth at Toastmaster's competitions. Dare I follow my own advice? What of the road to success, or the dreams and hopes that everyone starts out with, or the audacity to think that you can? Can I?
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