Be confident & resolute. You started your business when you had the confidence to do so, you had the drive and the self-belief, the means and the willpower to follow through your dream. Have the courage of your convictions by completing the game plan for what you believe is right, even though naysayers may be telling you otherwise.
Continue and don’t let the pandemic or lockdown, or the recession mar your dream. This has been your baby by mixing together the recipe of the wealth of knowledge you have accumulated through study and experience over many years, your foresight and brainstorming, meetings and discussions with other experts you took a lot of time finding and then sifting through them for the perfect matches for your company’s needs.
By the way, we can help you find Experts – We could also help you acquire media exposure, boosting your company’s revenue.
A strange fact about recessions is that the more we cling on to our money, the worse we make it. It’s exactly the same with ourselves – the more fretful we become by stressful, negative thoughts, the worse we make it. Let go and start believing in yourself again, and your business will take off!
Some useful links to our platform that could help: (includes a video of the Founder being interviewed)
#Media #Journalists #Experts #Publicity #Exposure #TV #Radio #Podcasts #Blogs #Interviews #Magazines #Newspapers
Photo by Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash