Finish first with us....!
With our NEW paper cutters you can be more efficient, improve your finishing process and, ultimately, improve your delivery times.The cutters don't have 10,000 hp, nor can they do the 1/4 mile in 3.9 seconds like the cars I saw this weekend, @ ZMAX DRAGWAY. These cutters will work hard and reliably for you, even on Mondays and the weekends. I promise you won't be disappointed.
While the prices are very low, and often less than many of the older used cutters, our cutters are a tremendous value. The performance is great and the cutters are very reliable. We guarantee it!
Take one for a spin! Ask about our application only financing, upgrade program and our buy back guarantee.
Please email me or call me for more details. [email protected] or 704-402-7665
Thank you, and have a great week!