Finding Joy
Many of my posts are on the process I went through to know “who I am” and “how I became one in awe of my own self” and so in awe of the enormity of the achievements that I have made (and that everyone else has made) that self esteem is not an issue for me.
Neither is the prospect of trial and pain or suffering and tempest.
In fact I am trying my best to place myself in the “most auspicious” locations possible to test my “background.” To see who you are you must try something seemingly impossible.
And achieve it.
And be in amazement afterwards as you see parts and then more and more of what just happened.
I do not care to be specific about my personal achievements they are not for others to know.
But I have tried to be open in my posts that “hard times” and “truly horrible events” and “life threatening situations” are things that this society has almost made illegal for anyone to have. It is in these situations that you see intimately how the world works. How things come to you exactly on time. That in ultimate loss, depression, and certainty that there is no more worth in life, there springs forth the realization that the guardrails and restrictions of present society, their “society” is in fact a death trap.
A collapsing universe.
A black hole.
Less and less experiences.
Less and less species.
And herds of folks who sign up for that.
There is one significant difference.
When you realize the basic MASSIVE differences in levels of experience that are possible between “human embodied people” and how herded folks can and DO have almost no time and backstory, THEN....
You are empowered.
When the standard story of YOU as a speck, a NOTHING, and Meaningless Statistic is seen clearly as a TRICK.
That you can be and ARE ages and eons and millenia and billions and zillions and it can't be counted in terms of understandable unfathomable stuff. I have written about experience ( the end of time, the age of the universe ) in terms that make it clear that for those persons with truly endless backstory these notions of “modern denigration of self esteem” are a PUZZLE.
These modern notions of self esteem called Science and How Things Seem to Work.
Are to be solved!!
How I solved these conundra was not pretty.
It involved what one can easily say was a lifetime of suffering, a lifetime of being a monk, and the last ten years of being toasted on God's dinner fork in the fire.
But now I see these things and I want as many people who are interested to see these things and rejoice!
The ass end life you are leading right now is your cookies and cream!
Your joy.
You have just forgotten that the palette of world building takes YOU to be A BRICK and live the LIFE YOU WOULD THEN SERVE to others.
And some of those slices got SHIT on them!
To realize your Dreams is intensely important.
To your backstory. But more than that.
To the future of the Universe. Literally.
Who can be building foundations when it is less and less likely to be understood that "joy" covers every circumstance.
I see before me a dilemma that I had not solved until recently.
I had not defined completely that governments are enslaving organizations.
Yeah yeah John Allegro, Albert Nock, and the Austrian monetarists should have been able to do that easily, but the incubation took awhile.
Now that I see the trap and defunct nature of the present society and that it needs a change I can act. But I would like you to understand that this was NOT a reason and will not be a reason for me (or for anyone) to not follow their heart.
It is not up to you to WAIT to follow your heart.
It is not up to you to be courteous to others in following your heart.
You are here and your heart calls.
Do you have an inkling of how much inertia lies behind even the simplest longing in your ageless backstory legendary heart?
To wait another instant is ….. words fail me.
You are you.
You dance on the canvas.
You are an experiencer, a teacher, or a creator. (or anything else!)
Or someone who says: “We should stop now.”
Me, I am a joker.
I like to play jokes.
And leave people laughing at how much greater they are than when I started joking with them.
That type of person is a builder and an entertainer.
And a jerk.
I say there is more to see than you can believe. Or fathom. It is inside me.
They say you are a number, a statistic, a coronary by-pass. A vote.
A speck.
Be nice if they can convince you wouldn't it?
Nice con.
Maybe I play that game too?
Called temptation.
Who knows what all we do if we are seriously old.
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” - Bill.
Best wishes.
psychic reader at Psychic Readingsby Fay
9 年Nicely said