Media and the Message; Part 2
“I shall leave it to others to distill the contents of this book into dry theories. These might be a contribution to the psychology of prison life, which was investigated after the First World War, and which acquainted us with the syndrome off ‘barbed wire sickness’. We are indebted to the Second World War for enriching our knowledge of the ‘psychopathology of the masses’…for the war gave us the war of nerves, and it gave us the concentration camp.”
Viktor E. Frankl, “Man's Search for Meaning”
“Her, (Beyoncé’s), lyrics also emphasize parenting; female empowerment”. (1) What does, “empowerment” mean? One could suppose having confidence in something due to being entitled, or deemed qualified, to fulfill a task. The problem is that because a person believes he can do something well, doesn’t necessarily mean he, in fact, can; in other words, reality can conflict; contradict; the illusion a person crates in his mind.
“Her lyrics emphasize self-reflection as well” (2). Wow; I’m shocked; has music ever been created by a person indulging in introspection before?!
Beyoncé’s fourth album, “4”, debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 - people, I assume, didn’t have to learn a great deal about the music on this album before, “deciding”, to buy it. This is an extraordinary phenomenon; just a few decades ago even the biggest, most popular, Artists, and Groups, in the world would normally see their albums gradually rise up the charts; the consequence of more, and more, people correspondingly having the opportunity to become better acquainted with the music before deciding it was worth buying.
“The “4” album included seven singles that were successful internationally” (3); each had a mysterious; cryptic; title, intended, I’ve no doubt, to imply that each song was an enigma one needs to unravel in order to fully appreciate the nature of the content – I couldn’t be any more sarcastic! The song titles include; “Run the World (Girls)”; “Best Thing I Ever Had”; “Party”, and, “Love on Tap”. The titles, actually, say a great deal about the songs; why this type of music appeals to so many, and how the masses are persuaded to behave in accordance with mafia’s wishes.
“During this psychological phase, (liberation), one observed that people with natures of a more primitive kind could not escape the influences of the brutality which had surrounded them in camp life. Now, being free, they thought they could use their freedom licentiously and ruthlessly. The only thing that had changed for them was that they were now the oppressors instead of the oppressed.”
Viktor E. Frankl, “Man's Search for Meaning”
They are simple; catchy; titles, much the same as the verses that form each song. You don’t have to think about what they mean, and one is not encouraged to engage with the music; just receive the sounds; beats, and vocals; it’s easy to do if you don’t try. Although Beyoncé emphasizes that her music is the result of what she contributes; her, “personal”; “intimate”, songs, (as she calls them), are actually the result of the collaboration of numerous songwriters; producers; instrumentalists, and lyricists.
The number of people involved in the production of each piece of music is a reflection of the degree to which each person specializes in one aspect of the creation of a music album.
Beyoncé, therefore, upon analysis, is not a solo artist. The covers for “her” albums do not reflect the multitude of people who play a role in producing her “personal” music; the product of her “self-reflection”. If a picture of every person who made a contribution to “her” albums was included on each, everyone would resemble the cover of The Beatles, “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” album.
Beyoncé’s contribution to these mass production projects is solely her voice. Her lack of proficiency, however, as a singer is “covered up” by repeated histrionics, which the masses believe is a sign of an overabundance of talent. Several popular female singers are accustomed to producing this effect in an effort to impress their stupefied audiences; Mariah Carey; Celine Dion, and the late, Whitney Houston, to name three. The best singers, (those with “real” talent), much the same as fine artists working in any medium, on the other hand, can make a deeper impression on their audiences with a “nuance”, than a hard thrust to the face; in a manner of speaking.
Beyoncé is not very productive; years, quite often, elapse between albums. For decades, in contrast, most artists, no matter their stature in the music world, were required, or expected, by Record Companies to release at least one album a year. Her lack of creativity is explained as follows; a new album is produced, “following a career hiatus that reignited her creativity” (4) – she’s, therefore, too creative; she burns herself out, and needs time to re-energize.
Her music is not supposed to provoke thought; cultivate the mind; that would counter what the mafia sought to achieve; because her songs are repetitious; mundane; lack originality; they dull the minds of her “devotees”, which enables the message within each song; every message is more or less the same as all the others; you are great; wonderful; extraordinary, women; just like me, the Empire Builder.
Whether there is any truth to this message is irrelevant; what’s important is that women feel “special”; “entitled”, “#1”; entitled to exploit others so they become “consumers”; not “producers”. The people they exploit they regard as objects, (one can only objectify someone else, if one has already objectified oneself); they are not worthy of life, and they kill; primarily by indirect forms of aggression; all the while they repeat, like a mantra, the motto; “woman’s rights mean rights for everyone”.
One can conclude that Beyoncé is the opposite of how she portrays herself, which is the case with the vast majority of women in "consumer societies”, yet, very few, because they're brainwashed, are aware of their artificiality. She, Beyoncé, is a fine "figure head" for female ego worshiping; women in “consumer societies” glorify who they are, and what they believe they can achieve; in the case of Beyoncé Knowles that's a tiny fraction of what the media declares she’s able to accomplish.
Productivity is aligned with altruism; we each grow by contributing to something outside of our self; apathy; complacency; inactivity, are, on the contrary, products of narcissism. We love; take care of ourselves, by taking care of others. When we focus on our needs; wants, and desires, to such an extent we neglect, or dismiss, the negative impact of our actions on others, we are deserving of the label, "narcissist".
Beyoncé is a narcissist, but she gives the impression, via her “works”, that she’s an altruist. The aim of the mafia in Beyoncé’s recordings is to warp the minds of women so they become narcissists, but believe, as most likely Beyoncé Knowles does, they are altruists.
Due to Beyoncé’s lack of talent; skills as a musician; she relies on her body, (boobs and booty), to attract an audience, and sell her albums. Most females in the “work force” are the same as Beyoncé; they use their bodies as a “short cut” to achieve their goals. They typically fail to reach the upper echelons in corporations, however, due to their reluctance to take risks, which means responding, and adapting, quickly in novel circumstances; this is a common method used to measure a person’s intelligence quotient; those who can adapt as necessary will survive. Using your body to get ahead, (prostituting oneself), ordinarily, can only get a person “so far” up the ladder of success.
Beyoncé equates success with wealth, and the accumulation of wealth is what’s she needs to build her “Empire”. Presenting herself as a musician; is the vehicle she uses to achieve her goal of constructing, and controlling, an Empire. He supposed love of creating; performing, and promoting, music; improving her skills as a musician; can quickly, as has proven to be the case on many occasions, be placed on a back burner when another avenue opens up that she can use to obtain wealth; such as selling athletic shoes; perfume; clothing, and so on and so forth.
Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac; when women with delusions of grandeur, (constructed with the help of people such as Beyoncé), fill positions in corporations that exploit people in order to make money, (“theft” is the proper term), the sex drive is mingled with the aggressive drive; the “life force”, with the “death force”, and if the intertwining of these opposing forces continues, the “dark force”; “aggressive instinct”, will eventually snuff out; extinguish; the “life force” - all that remains is a soulless body that lives for the thrill to kill.
The masses aren’t aware their societies are open concentration camps; that they behave the same as Nazis toward those they persecute, and exterminate, in mass numbers; Jews, and others labelled; “undesirables”; “useless mouths”, because they’ve been brainwashed. The Bronfman family, over the course of decades, allowed the general public, more and more, to do what they please, and also avoid, more and more over time, being held accountable for their actions. The end result of this global social engineering project is that people developed a “God Complex”, and they now have the right to choose who lives, and who dies, and they do so with the same seemingly careless abandon as the S.S. guards did in Auschwitz; they decided whose capable of working, and who dies; those who could no longer be exploited, were sentenced to death with a wave of a finger.
“Then I was face to face with him. He had assumed an attitude of careless ease, supporting his right elbow with his left hand. His right hand was lifted, and with the forefinger of that hand he pointed very leisurely to the right or left, (people; clerks, for example, kill with a stroke of the pen, a signature, or a tap on keyboard). None of us had the slightest idea of the sinister meaning behind that little movement of a man’s finger, pointing now to the right, and now, to the left, but far more frequently to the left.”
Viktor E. Frankl, “Man's Search for Meaning”
Right meant; work; left, (for the sick, and disabled, those not able to work); meant death."'Work sets you free'. The slogan is known for appearing on the entrance of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps." (5)
“For the great majority of our transport, about 90 percent, it meant death. Their sentence was carried out within the next hours.”
Viktor E. Frankl, “Man's Search for Meaning”
“On entering, each prisoner was handed a piece of soap, and then – to the right – real “bath” shower. Before entering the remaining valuables are taken. SS men appeared and spread out blankets into which we had to throw all our possessions; all our watches and jeweler.”
Viktor E. Frankl, “Man's Search for Meaning”
Valuables in concentration camps were taken; they weren’t voluntarily given up; then again, if Nazis equated Jews with rats; why shouldn’t they steal them; they had no right to possess them in the first place? “Consumers” rationalize their behaviour in the same manner.
(Quotes, 1-5, Wikipedia)
Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp
Read the full story about how Satan took over the world, and captured so many souls in "SATAN'S CIRCUS", by Nigel Shindler
Volume I: "NAZI HOMELAND"; The Global Economy
Volume II: "THE EVIL WITHIN; The British Lottery Club"
Consumerism; Exploitation/Degradation
Another Day in Paradise; Propaganda and the Media