FineEngineering Magazine News

FineEngineering Magazine News

Bridgestone EMEA livreaz? clien?ilor din ?ntreaga lume o gam? larg? de #anvelope, cum ar fi anvelope pentru #autoturisme, #camioane ?i #autobuze, avioane, vehicule pentru #construc?ii ?i #minerit, motociclete etc.

Compania produce ?i vinde o gam? de produse din #cauciuc ?i alte produse diversificate. Multe dintre aceste produse ?i #tehnologii sunt utilizate ?ntr-o varietate de aplica?ii de zi cu zi.

Zebra Technologies helps organisations monitor, anticipate, and accelerate #workflows by empowering their frontline and ensuring that everyone and everything is #visible, #connected and fully #optimised.

"#Zebra helps its customers in a number of industries make business-critical decisions, including manufacturing, retail and e-commerce, #transportation and #logistics, as well as banking, healthcare, public sector and hospitality. Our customers include over 80% of the Fortune 500. We employ almost 10,000 people in 120 locations, with headquarters in Lincolnshire, Illinois, USA.?" - Stephan Pottel, Industry Director, Manufacturing at Zebra Technologies.

Grupa Tub?dzin is one of the largest #producers of #ceramictiles in #Poland.

For over 40 years, they've been setting #design trends in the industry. The company’s products are known for their global #quality, which they achieve by using the most #advanced #technologies.

"Our core activities focus on the design, production, and global distribution of premium ceramic tiles. We collaborate closely with our trade partners, distributing our products through a network of major wholesalers who supply to smaller retailers. This model allows us to steadily grow our market presence. Currently, we are active in 80 countries around the world." - Marcu George, Export Area Manager at Grupa Tub?dzin.

micrometal GmbH specialises in #photochemical etching (PCE), producing ultra-precise #metal components for various #industries. The company offers customised #solutions for creating intricate and complex geometries in thin metal sheets in a wide variety of metals, using advanced etching technologies like reel-to-reel and optimsed sheet etching.

"#micrometal Group provides a comprehensive range of services centered around #PCE, including #design assistance, prototyping, and mass production of precision metal parts. The company’s unique offerings include the ability to create extremely fine and complex structures with high precision, even in large volumes, and to process metals that are difficult to machine using conventional methods. micrometal Group stands out for its ability to maintain tight tolerances and provide custom #solutions tailored to various industries." - Jochen Kern, Head of Sales & Marketing at micrometal GmbH.

form32 Desingelemente GmbH specializes in the needs of the #carpenter and the kitchen #furniture industry. Due to their exclusive trade partnerships with renowned companies the company is able to offer customers selected #premium products.

"Our company form32 is a leading B2B online shop and distributor for high-quality furniture fittings from renowned and innovative brands. We have made it our mission to offer every customer a precise shopping experience so that they can quickly find the right product for their project. We attach great importance to only including high-quality fittings in our range in order to ensure high stability, durability and functionality." - Timo Ulrich, E-Commerce/SEO Manager at form32 Desingelemente GmbH.

For more than a century, CFCAI - Law Satig Marot group has been providing its customers with high-performance, #safe and #costeffective post-#harvest #technologies: grain dryers, cleaners, sorters and graders.

"Throughout #farming history, tools and processes have been continuously developed to optimize grain sorting and cleaning processes. #MAROT has been a player in the industry for over 150 years. Grain cleaning and sorting specialist MAROT specifically owes its reputation to its unique rotary grain cleaner, used across the agro-industrial markets in Europe and worldwide." - ERWIN PENZES, Managing Director at CFCAI - Law Satig Marot.

EURO VERBAU GmbH is a provider of #construction and #civilengineering solutions, specializing in #trenchshoring systems and #excavation #safety.

"We specialize in the design, manufacturing, and supply of trench shoring systems, which are critical for ensuring the safety and stability of trenches during excavation work. Our products include trench boxes, sheet piles, and hydraulic shoring systems, all engineered to meet the highest safety standards.?" - Joep Bindels, Financial Controller at EURO VERBAU GmbH.

Born in 1985, Daniel Rubinetterie S.p.A. is a company that #designs and #manufactures creative taps in #Italy. It is synonymous with refinement and high #technology aimed at a demanding and attentive clientele.


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