These Fine Varieties of Millennials

These Fine Varieties of Millennials

Gen Y Segmented, The Whimsical Personas of Millennials 


I've written a number of articles on the topic of marketing to Millennials, and everyone from highly original Millennials to angsty Boomers who are being displaced, write (comment) to me about the great injustice of pooling them into one greater category, these younger folk. It's not a #BigIdea2016, to realize insight into Millennial segments counts. 

Neither is it a terribly difficult thing to segment Millennials. Though my test drive here is no standard tog to by, but intended to be a more light-hearted piece. Going back to an article I wrote a few days ago: 

I adhere to a theory that says Millennials were born between 1978 and 1996 (18 years) with iGen following them from 1997 and 2015, followed by Alpha, 2016 and 2030. For practical purposes, this article will deal specifically with the Millennial group. 

It would make some sense to segment Millennials in time, by place of birth and by social economic status. A young Millennial in Shanghai, has little in common with an older Millennial in Alaska, to a point. 

What we do know, Millennials are: 

  • The most diverse group in history 
  • The most globalized and cosmopolitan (urban) generation of all-time 
  • The most educated group in history 
  • Will be the generation that has to adapt the fastest to exponential change and career change multiple times in their lives. 
  • The most likely to have to migrate for a better quality of life and standard of high-value opportunity, not just for there children but for their own career development. 
  • They represent a radical break from the past, in terms of digital adoption and omnichannel multi-device gamified reality. The idea that augmented reality is "real" to them, must be fully understood. 
  • They are hyper-global, often not identified with their nationality of birth or typical brain-washing regimes of religion, economic class, ethnic identity or other typing. They are rather eclectic and hard to pin down therefore, as witnessed by the generation gap. 

The personas (profiling of segments) I'm about to explore may sound highly subjective and reductionistic, however I feel it may prove an interesting exercise. So bear with me, as surreal a narrative as it may depict: 

Imagine Millennials Flavours - What Constructs would they be?

The following frames of reference are typically North American in nature, and depict personality traits that won't be representative, but are archetypal in nature rather. The point of the exercise then, is to depict how a shared generation, can have such diverse trends that pervade and influence how they evolve as a cohort

Gamma - b. 1978-1983

Gamma Millennials are the eldest Millennials, born between 1978 and 1983, they are currently (in 2016) between 32 and 37 years old. They are what you might term "boho" (bohemian) and a hipster segment. They had the great fortune (or misfortune) of being socialized on Facebook. They were perhaps the first generation to grow up on social media, the video game players who never truly stopped being kids. 

Underneath a collaborative and even obedient demeanour, are quite sneaky (or talented) non-conformists and highly original thinkers & innovative doers in this group. This represents maybe the first generation in history, some of whom came to the conclusion or by the dictates of harsh necessity, that having children or the "normal" life cycle no longer made sense or was no longer practical or attainable. Decreases of the birth rate would be expected in this segment. 

In 2016, they are already starting to likely lose touch with the pace of change. 

Related Networks: Twitter, the Skype generation, younger adopts of LinkedIn, limited video and visual marketing skills. They may be more native to content marketing and copywriting, in that they "get" what authentic copy is supposed to sound like as opposed to sales rhetoric and dumb pitchy copy (that won't work on younger Millennials btw). 

Nicknames of this segment: "Nostalgics", as evidenced by niche interests (fetishes) of the past. I myself look back on 80's music with somewhat this attitude. 

Delta - b. 1984-1988

Delta Millennials are mobile and tablet natives, born between 1984 and 1988, they are currently (in 2016) between 28-31 years old. They are the most philanthropic, corporate socially responsible and you might say, the altruistic globe trotters of Millennials. As far as networks go I think an appropriate one would be, Pinterest, as a channel best personifies this segment. Their passion for travel is well known. 

It's my opinion that this segment represents a huge shift in feminism, that is, women who out compete and out hustle their male peers in educational attainments and ultimately corporate leadership (remains to be seen). You can witness them lonely at the top, with Masters degrees without male counterparts. 

Related Networks: The travel bloggers, the food bloggers, the first good bloggers, DIY YouTube enthusiasts, Ecommerce adoption, Shopaholic browsing, the start of heavy mobile centric adoption.  

Nicknames for this segment: "BossBabes" (i.e. very upward mobile young women professions). "Shut-outs", a quasi permanent "underclass" who got stuck in unemployment, with impractical college degrees, who couldn't adapt to economic turmoil (more common than you might assume!). "Travel Enthusiast", easy to recognize, their curiosity about the world and other cultures is considerable, they may even marry into an interracial marriage and quite likely were a child of one as well or 2nd or 3rd generation from another country. 

"Culinary Addicts", obsessed with food, foodies and diverse international cuisine. The "Millennial Moms", health, active and socially conscious young Moms. Millennial Moms will often chronicle the lives of their babies and toddlers with their own Facebook page or Instagram thereby creating a virtual archive for all-time of their childhood in a way that's fundamentally transparent and sharable in a new way. (Space and time are not definite Categories here) 



Epsilon b. 1989-1992

Epsilon Millennials are mobile natives and texting masters, born between 1989 and 1992, they are currently (in 2016) between 24-27 years old. They are highly ambitious and upwardly mobile, and are the Instagram glamor crowd. They brought a level of narcism to social media, not lost on the rest of us, the "selfie" generation. They are YouTube bloggers and fundamentally more entrepreneurial. Highly individualistic. 

They also graduated in 2008 or shortly thereafter and importantly, after the economic downturn, and therefore had to fight an uphill battle to kickstart their careers more. While this beat down some, others experienced a "post-traumatic-stress-breakthrough (PTSB) because of this and realized the entrenprenurial path was right for them. This also creates life interests of great cultural, artistic and creative hobbies and contributions. 

It's arguable, that boomers simply             " don't get" the kind of hardship/adversity that the collapse of the housing market, the global economic sledgehammer, how it impacted the entire trajectory (out of sync with normalcy) of millions of Millennials. 

And how could they, boomers experienced a golden-red carpet of the most prosperous generation of all-time. Where simply working at the same company (often permanently) guaranteed you a pretty decent quality of life. At least, here in North America. When you look at the number of these kids still living at home, it's just unbelievable! 

Related networks: Reddit, Quora, Periscope, Meerkat. Apps, online dating apps. The Apple brand followers and luxury brand hoard. 

Nicknames for this Segment: "Brogrammers", "Softcrowd" (software & ecom startups). They know about disruption, not just economic, but the technological shifts that are to come, for which they will be among the pioneers of upheaval. 



Zeta - b. 1993-96

Zeta Millennials are the youngest, born between 1993 and 1996, they are currently (in 2016) between 23 and 20 years old. They are not just mobile natives, they are wearable adopters, they are visual marketing pros, UGC experts, and they are adopters of and well personify this channel: Snapchat.

Zeta do not conform with past mobile users, but are heavy SMS and video consumers. Their neurological interface is different, socialized by technology for effective "groupthink", advanced teamwork and a kind of collective imprinting more synonymous with the "hive-mentality" you sometimes find in more "collectivistic" cultures in Asia. 

Networks: Video on Demand, FaceTime, video chat, SMS, more coding knowledge, more data science backgrounds. Apps as interface, Siri generation. Apple Watch advocates. Often ignore Facebook entirely, in favour of visual channels: IG, Tinder, Youtube, etc. They operate in a cloud reality that's perma omnichannel. The device does not matter, the attention span is split in a notification world, and their participation in the "attention economy" is therefore not just fragmented, but in terms of speed of information transfer, more rich. 

Nick names: the "Hive", "Meta-Millenials", "The Exuberants", they know how to market themselves as a personal brand with social authority (think social media "vanity" metrics here). They can be larger than life when they want to, and know how to hustle a channel, an app, or a group of their peers. They may have superior EQ compared with older Millennials.

In a sense, they folk have been primed by technologies to seek instant gratification and more personalized "emotional" experiences with their quasi identification with digital reality as being fundamentally more "real" than it is to older Millennials. Mota's Tribethis segment has uber skills in User Generated Content, that puts older Millennials to shame! YouTube prodigies are a dime a dozen in this group. These are people for whom "influencer marketing" is par an parcel with their daily reality. 

They pave the way for iGen, who will stretch innovation further and actually live and experience an era of exponential change, which will make anything pre 2020, look like the dark ages. 

Ivonne Teoh

#1 ArtificialIntelligence Leaderboards/Sales

8 年

Thanks so much Michael Spencer 許無極! You write a lot and give valuable info for us all. I'm grateful to have you in my network! Best wishes for more success in 2016! Inspired by Optimus Prime, I'll say this for you, "There's more to you than meets the eye..." World, watch out!

Paul Croubalian

Indie apps, Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, and Web. I like finding the pain points and taking them away. Full-Stack Dev

8 年

Actually, this segmentation makes a hell of a lot more sense. The formal definition places "Millennials" as being between 12 and 35 years old. That is a useless demographic cohort. I discussed it in my post:


