Fine-tune ChatGPT : Turn Conversations into Theorem Proving
I am talking about Enterprise AI. Although ChatGPT excelled in enlightening consumers to explore the “Wild West,” enterprises built “trans-continent railways” that will transform the landscape. The primary task - fine-tuning the landscape, and building structures that ship business values.?
To use minimal editorial/admin/ISV resources to carry the maximal fine-tuning impact, we need to configure minimally and see maximal throughput. What is needed? A foundational framework. Training data synthesis and random data generation start with a foundational framework that can specify business needs and turn that into data.?
I’m using the online Coq console as an online interactive demo environment developed by Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias (Inria, Université de Paris, IRIF) Shachar Itzhaky (Technion), according to I turn it into a language lab where we can experiment with natural language specification technologies, using Modern Type Theory, a branch of Computational Linguistics that models Natural Language using Proof Assistants.?
Demo goal: to showcase a small dialog that can be automatically synthesized through question-answer pairs that can be independently specified. The process will demonstrate how a large-scale dataset can be built with a termination guarantee.?
Inductive MTT_Sentence:Set :=
| customer_ask_whether_bus_arrive_stop_A_ : MTT_Sentence
| bot_answer_not_yet_ : MTT_Sentence
| bot_answer_yes_ : MTT_Sentence
| bot_answer_great_I_think_I_solved_your_question_ : MTT_Sentence
| customer_said_great_I_will_get_down_: MTT_Sentence
| customer_said_ok_then_I_will_wait_: MTT_Sentence
| bot_answer_thank_you_for_patient_: MTT_Sentence
Parameter terminate_:Type.
Inductive response: MTT_Sentence->Prop:=
| qa1_
? ? (_: response bot_answer_yes_ * response bot_answer_not_yet_)
? : response customer_ask_whether_bus_arrive_stop_A_
| qa2_(_: response customer_said_great_I_will_get_down_)
? : response bot_answer_yes_
? ??
| qa3_
? ? (_: response bot_answer_great_I_think_I_solved_your_question_)
? : response customer_said_great_I_will_get_down_
| qa4_
? ? (_: terminate_)
? : response bot_answer_great_I_think_I_solved_your_question_
| qa5_
? ? (_: response customer_said_ok_then_I_will_wait_)
? : response bot_answer_not_yet_
| qa6_
? ? (_: response bot_answer_thank_you_for_patient_)
? : response customer_said_ok_then_I_will_wait_
| qa7_
? ? (_: terminate_)
? : response bot_answer_thank_you_for_patient_
Goal terminate_->response customer_ask_whether_bus_arrive_stop_A_
? intros.?
? constructor.?
? split.?
? constructor.?
? constructor.?
? constructor. trivial.?
? constructor.?
? constructor.?
? constructor. trivial.?
Copy and paste the code in the left-hand side window, and use the DOWN ARROW in the right-hand side window to execute the code one by one. You will see the evolution of the interactive theorem proving that proved the goal.
GPT fine-tuning is a large rule set problem: the unique number of question-answer pairs may grow immensely and they need to work together towards a cohesive system.
Automated theorem proving is a powerful tool for managing large rule sets and this post shows the prospect of managing more complex question-answer sets from larger dialog systems.