Findings from research trial inform Allergy UK’s call for better allergy care in GP services
Allergy UK
Committed to building a better future for people with allergies. We believe #itstimetotakeallergyseriously
Allergy UK is calling on the government, the NHS and decision-makers to introduce at least one fully funded specialist allergy and dietitian within each ICS.? Our call is evidence-based. It follows a 30-month research trial part-funded by Allergy UK, which ran in Scotland between 2017 and 2021.?
The trial involved a specialist allergy nurse service available to 35 GP practices to refer to for diagnosis, advice and management of allergies. 82% of patients who accessed this service saw an improvement in their symptoms and how it was managed.?
The patients were seen more quickly – usually within 4-8 weeks compared to the 6-18 month wait time that is often the case when referred to a hospital-based consultant. With it being closer to home, there was less cost and time involved for a patient to attend appointments too.?
GPs agreed this approach improved the patient pathway considerably. It reduced referrals to specialist consultants to only 5% and freed up much needed consultation time for GPs.? Currently, 8% of GP consultations are spent on allergy-related cases.? It also frees up time for specialists within secondary care to focus on the harder to treat cases of allergic conditions.?
Currently, there are 20 million people living with an allergic condition in the UK.? Too often, the path to diagnosis and the right treatment can be bumpy and difficult. Sometimes, it can also be inadequate, carrying with it serious consequences for the patient.?? This was Sarah’s experience when she herself rushing from A&E to another A&E in rush hour traffic in the midst of her 10-month-old son having an anaphylactic reaction.???
“Knowing what I know now, I shouldn’t have been left driving my 10-month-old baby having an allergic reaction whilst navigating 9am traffic. I remember, during the journey looking back at my child, who looked incredibly sad. All parents know when something is wrong with their child – you can see it in their eyes. His look will never leave me.”?
Read Sarah’s full story here
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