Finding your WHY in your life.
Why ask why??
Why are we here??
Why am I not feeling full-filled??
Why is their so much suffering in the world today??
Why do I see my future not very promising??
Why can't I be like him/her??
Why doesn't God answer my prayers??
So many why questions and not many why you ever feel this way?? If you answered yes to this question, then you probably couldn't answer the examples of why questions in the paragraph above.
Believe me when I tell you this, it is because you only see things with your eyes wide shut.
"There is a need and purpose for everything in life.”
We need hate to see the power of LOVE.
We need to resistance to see the need for change.
We need to fail to obtain success.
"We need more need and purpose in our lives today."
This applies to all of us, each and everyone of us on this earth has purpose, strengths and there are needs out there that need your purpose and strengths.
To find your WHY in life, I need to ask you a question (one I ask myself too,) WHY is it I can so easily explain my anger and what makes me angry when people, places and things don't go, the way I want??
ANSWER: Because we are living in a world of instant gratification, instead of delayed gratification. Don't believe me, then why do we all get so angry so quickly over certain people, places and things. Verses how truly we are happy with other people, places and things??
Our tolerance is tied directly to our wants and needs. The more we want something (now,) the less tolerant we are.
Leaders are not made, they are called. YES, THIS MEANS YOU!!
Don't believe me here, are perfect examples:
Mother Teresa, Doctors Without Borders, The MADD mothers against drunk driver’s organizers, The Black Lives Matter organizers, The thousands of private sponsors of Syrian Refugees, Martin Luther King Jr, and even Donald Trump...yes Trump.
Let me explain about The Donald, he has tapped into the huge amount of anger held by people. Anger is often preceded by fear and Donald has tapped into this fear. So, this anger has had a positive effect in the US and other worlds. ANGER SERVES TWO PURPOSES, TO EITHER DESTROY YOU, OR TO MOTIVATE YOU.
And the anger Trump has tapped into has awoken a new anger in others who oppose Trump and they are now motivated to do something about his fear, hatred and racial bias.
All the person's and organizations mentioned above were formed by a need being met with a purpose, somebody's WHY in life.
Want to find your WHY in life, then start asking the question of WHY CAN'T I DO THIS, YOU ARE QUESTIONING YOUR OWN DOUBT AND ABILITIES.
Once we start to question ourselves we begin to realize all our answers lie within.
God has given all of us the ability and purpose to serve others. Your WHY (purpose in life,) begins with this simple yet powerful statement we all need to say to ourselves repeatedly.
ONE LAST EXAMPLE OF WHY NOT ME: TERRY FOX, was a young man who had cancer and this cancer forced him to lose a leg. In Terry's visits to clinics and hospitals Terry saw so many people suffering and thought WHY isn't anyone doing something to help these people.
Terry has a young amputee set out on a cross country run called "MARATHON OF HOPE" to raise money for cancer research and care for those who have cancer." Every day, day in and day out Terry ran a marathon 25 plus miles on one leg and one fake leg.
TODAY OVER 30 YEARS AFTER TERRY STARTED HIS MARATHON OF HOPE, hundreds of thousands of people, children, teachers, mothers, fathers, grandmothers/fathers participate in the annual Terry Fox Marathons of Hope across Canada.
What Terry started with a simple question of WHY has resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars being raised and applied toward the research and care for people with cancer.
(special note children as young as ages 5 and 6,) participate in these runs at their schools and in their communities. These children were not even born when Terry started is Marathon of Hope, but each year these children look forward to participating in their communities and school runs.
Now go and find your WHY...why not??
Director of Education and Training
6 年This is so good, so simple and so true!? Thank you!? ? ? ? ?Roberto Hausman