Finding Your True Self
Eva Gregory, Intuitive Business Catalyst
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Your True Self is the part of you that is constant. It transcends your body, emotions, and experiences. It is the essence of you.
How would you describe yourself? You might declare that you are Susan, wife of Bob, a Reiki master, and have Scottish ancestry.
However, if you had been named Lila, married a guy named Steve, worked as a Law of Attraction coach and had Nordic ancestors, you would still be the same person you are now. Your life and experiences might be different, but you would still be fundamentally the same person.
There’s something about you that’s constant, though it’s hard to describe exactly what that is.
Who are you?
One thing is for certain: when you’re living a life that aligns with your True Self, you’re going to be happy. If you’re not living a life that resonates with your True Self, you’ll feel like something is lacking. It doesn’t matter how much success, fortune, and fame you achieve if your True Self isn’t honored.
Try these ideas to discover your True Self and reveal your path in life:
- What is your level of introversion / extroversion? Do you feel more energized and comfortable when alone or with others? When are you at your best? If you’re naturally introverted, a job that requires interacting with people all day long is going to create a lot of stress and anxiety. Spending time alone in a cubicle working on a computer might drive you crazy if you’re extroverted.
- What did you like as a child that you still like today? It might be tennis, Scooby-Doo cartoons, pizza, and afternoon naps. Dig deeper than that. You might find that you’ve always craved adventure, creativity, and helping others. Think about the characteristics and qualities in your life that have been constant.
- If you could accomplish anything, what do you think would be your greatest accomplishment? Is it earning a billion dollars or winning a Nobel Peace Prize? Maybe it’s writing a best-selling book or adopting a disadvantaged child. What do you think is the greatest accomplishment a person can have?
- What do you consider to be the most important lessons you could teach a child? What do you wish you had known when you were 10-20 years of age? What could you have known that would have made your life more meaningful?
- What would you do with great wealth? After you bought a mansion and a fancy car, what would you do with your life? What would you do with your free time and extensive financial resources?
- Who are your heroes? Albert Einstein? John D. Rockefeller? Mother Teresa? Whom do you look up to? Why? Whose life would you most like to emulate? Whom would you be most proud to be like?
- What makes your heart sing? What lights up your Soul when you think about it? That thing that you could spend hours and hours focused on and then wonder where the time went when you look up from it.
- Think about who you have been. Sometimes we get too caught up in who we want to be and ignore who we are. You might dream of being a rock star, but can’t carry a tune, can’t play an instrument, and suffer from panic attacks when faced with an audience. We all have to accept our limitations. However, if you have a core desire, there is a way to have it in your experience. It just may be in a different format...Perhaps you would be one whose gifts and talents lend you to supporting rock stars in some way.
It’s important to make the most of your life and be open to it showing up in a different light from what you might expect. You can’t create your True Self. You can only discover, acknowledge, and embrace it.
Whoever your True Self might be, you can be sure that it’s spectacular. It’s your job to reveal it to yourself and then honor it. Run with your interests and strengths. Honor yourself and enjoy your life fully as a result.
Eva Gregory is a mentor to spiritual entrepreneurs, Law of Attraction expert, and author of "The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity" and "Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction", co-authored with Jack Canfield. Her gift is teaching spiritual entrepreneurs how to tap into their own inner guidance and merge it with proven strategies to create healthy sustainable businesses from a place of purpose, passion and prosperity. Get your FREE REPORT: “Heart-Centered Conversations That Convert” here and learn how to ramp up your revenue fast with a simple elegant business model that will have your clients clamoring to work with you.
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