Finding Your Tipping Point for Success
Joel aan 't Goor
Built a Multi-Million Company? Great. Now Connect With Your Soul | Co-CEO Awake Origins | 4 Pillars of the Awake Entrepreneur | Weekly episodes of the Awake Origins Experience Podcast
There is a deepening realization within me about the concept of ”the one big domino.”
What is the one big domino?
It is the one domino you have to tip over so that all other dominos will fall.
In other words: What is the one thing you have to do as an entrepreneur so that you will realize the next level in your success or company growth?
Of course, reality is more complex than playing with dominos, but there is a lot of truth here.
How do you identify your one big domino?
Yes, it's partly about experimenting and failing fast.
But experimentation is not totally random. It already moves in a certain direction.
I've come to realize that, almost always, the one big domino is right in front of me.
However, most of the time I'm too busy to notice it.
In my ambition, I want to work quickly and can be all over the place.
When you run too fast, you stop noticing things within you and around you.
To intuitively see the one big domino, you need to slow down.
The hard thing about slowing down? Your mind thinks it is the last thing you need to do, when you are ambitious, experience pressure, or are very busy.
So it starts with overruling the mind.
After years of experimenting, these are my most effective ways of slowing down (in other words: my most effective ways of accelerating by allowing myself to see the one big domino).
In random order:
-- a walk alone in nature
-- meditation
-- just ”being”
Combined, they are even more effective. (And with your phone in flight mode, of course.) :)