Finding your sunshine.
In Chicagoland, it's been in the negative degrees lately and this week we've seen the sun a few times, one of which I took full advantage of yesterday.
When I was walking my dogs, we turned a corner to a long stretch of street where the sun was shining directly into my solar plexus (the energy center in our higher abdomen as pictured above) or our "gut".
This is the place where we get our instincts or intuition from, when it's connected to our mind's eye, or third eye chakra - more on that a different time. Anywho, as I rounded the corner, I closed my eyes and allowed my dog to walk me...I soaked in the sunlight on my face and then felt the sun directly recharging my solar plexus - or the sunshine inside my body.
When the sunshine of our body feels dimmed or low, it actually sends the rest of our body into imbalance as the other energy centers look toward the solar plexus to recharge - so imagine if this energy center is running on fumes (mine certainly had been since I hadn't seen sunlight for awhile), then it's hard for the rest of you to feel balanced.
The solar plexus is the energy center within our guts that not only give us intuitive pings but when fully charged allow us to feel, at a deep soul level, "I can" - "I am" - "I will". Sunlight is the easiest way to recharge our solar plexus - you can literally think of it as a solar panel that all other energy centers plug into.
So, the solar panel can certainly be charged in other ways, but sunlight is one of the fastest and easiest ways to recharge.
How will you find your sunshine today? And, if the sun isn't shining, there are some other ways to recharge your solar panel -
There will always be something externally trying to take your sunshine. You get to decide whether the external gets to - and moreover, you get to ask yourself, does this external thing light me up and help me to move with intention toward my favorite self?
You get to decide. Literally no one and no thing has power over your internal energy - it's getting in tune with yourself and when something feels out of alignment and trusting yourself that you CAN move differently than what you've done in the past.
Then simply watch everything around you that doesn't align, fall away with ease as you cast your sunshine into the world - like the care bear stare.