Finding  Y O U R   Space

Finding Y O U R Space

I’ve just spent the last 3 days with 12 A-MAAAA-ZING private practice owners from around Australia.

You might have heard about it… I was running my - twice a year - 'Get-It-Done Residential Retreat. '

On the last day, they all thanked me for the experience and opportunity before saying good-bye.

And I kept on thinking, why are they thanking me…

I’m the lucky one. Soooo lucky and soooo blessed to do what I do.

  • I GET TO Mastermind with 12 awesome women who knows the struggle of juggling business and family life.
  • I GET TO hear and share in their vulnerability, as they let me into that trusted space.
  • I GET TO challenge and mentor them towards the right steps in the right direction in order to take their business and hence their live to the next level.
  • I GET TO learn from them, their knowledge and experience of also being practice owners sharing in similar challenges to me.
  • I GET TO plot and plan their Private Practice Success with them and very often I even get to bear witness to how that all unfolds.

And I’m wondering….

When last did you gift an experience like this to yourself?

Does this happen FOR YOU….?

Maybe once in a blue moon?

Maybe once every 3 years?

Maybe once a year?

Or maybe you have had a stern chat to yourself and you have decided that you can commit to something like this….

Once you have saved up enough money to feel worthy of this experience even though you probably know THAT will never happen.

As you are a mother, a practice owner, a wife, a partner, a person that always put others and their needs first.

Or maybe once you have build your practice up just a little more, until your just a little bigger, because you are too small yet to have this, right? Even though you probably know that what you do is constantly compare yourself to others, to their growth, to how big they are, to how far ahead they seem to you, and hence the goal posts keep changing.

Or maybe you are just scared? (which is completely OK by the way).

Scared that should you SAY YES to YOU in this way AND scared that should you INVEST IN YOURSELF in this way, that others might question your decision, that others might think whom are YOU to have THAT, that others might judge you for saying yes to YOU.

What I do know, for sure, is that once you have experienced what I just had, and which I experience on a very regular basis, it becomes easier to say YES TO YOU in this way, because the return includes (amongst others)….

?   A space to be and feel accepted

?   A space to engage in fast-tracked knowledge & skills building as a business owner

?   A space that provides clarity of the vision, the future, and the how, when, where and how

?   A space of supportive accountability when you needed it most

?   A space primed for personal growth and development

?   A space that results in financial gains sure to quite your loudest critics

So I want to invite, an exclusive small group of 8 to 10 private practice owners, to join me on multiple such experiences during 2019, as part of my Inner Circle 12 Month Mastermind Program.

Just some of the HIGHLIGHTS of being an Inner Circle member include:

?   4 Inner Circle ONLY Retreats to get together as a group, where we Hot-Seat, the Accountability, Learn & very importantly have Fun

?   Free Access to ALL my Get-It-Done Residential Retreats

?   You get to attend/re-attend my 1 day Private Practice Success Workshop

?   You get to attend/re-attend my 2 day Master Class Weekend Workshop

?   You get access to my COMPLETE Operating Manual for my group private practice (yip, you get the keys to the Kingdom)

?   You get FREE lifetime access to my on-going membership group, the Next Level Mastermind

?   You have FREE access to any online training I run including past programs I’ve run

?   You have UNLIMITED Voxer Access to me

?   You have UNLIMITED EMAIL Access to me

?   You get individual 1:1 Mentoring Phone Consults with me

If you are a private practice owner who…

?   knows you are meant for me

?   knows you were born to make an impact

?   knows that you are an action-taker

?   knows that you don’t tolerate excuses

?   knows that you can trust in the process

Then Email me at: [email protected] with ‘Inner Circle 2019’ in the Subject Line and let me know why you just NEED to be in the Inner Circle.

Applications are now open.

The 2019 fees will apply to all enrolments from the 1st December 2018, ANY ENROLMENT BEFORE THIS DATE, 2018 rates apply to.

Maximum of 10 places, with only 9 now remaining for 2019.

Yours in Private Practice Success,



PPS About the Author:

After starting her PhD on the topic of "Psychologists as Practice Owners: Current Challenges, Coping & Success Predictors", Gerda was appalled at the lack of support for Allied Health Professionals going into Private Practice and decided to do something about it. 

This was the start of Private Practice Success Australia.

 E: [email protected] | W:

WINNER: Queensland MENTAL HEALTH Achievement Award for Best Small Business


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