Finding your Side Hustle
Gary Bertwistle - Unlock your great ideas
Interviewer on The Mojo Sessions. Interesting conversations with the most interesting people
Side hustle has become a part of the entrepreneurial vocabulary. It's where you have a full-time job and you start a part-time hustle on the side. There is a lot being written now about the importance of having a safety net if you are deciding to take your passion and make it into a business. There are different approaches one can take. Some say go for it, be all in, and have no fallback plan. “If you have a fallback plan, then you're planning to fall back”.
The other train of thought is to have a job, start something on the side, do all the prep, gain some momentum, build a client base, before you go all in.
Both approaches have their pros and cons. One thing however, that is common, is that most new business today comes from solving a problem that you have for yourself, your friends like it and buy into it, and then you take it to market. A great example of this is the Jack and Ollie store which was started by a Mum, who like every other Mum, found it inconvenient to go from the highchair to the kitchen every time something was needed when feeding a baby. Why is there not a carryall that I could throw over my highchair that carries everything in one place….and so the business was built.
This is a great example of starting either a business or a side hustle by solving your own problem first. It’s about having the curiosity when faced with your own problems to say …has anybody else tried to fix this problem? If no, then get after it. If yes, have they done a great job on it and does it truly fix your problem? Can you fix it better or differently?