Finding Your Purpose at Work: Insights from HR and Marketing Leaders
Antoniette Talosig
Managing Partner and Organizational Coach | I help companies and leaders create a great workplace experience that is better for the business and the people.
Before I dive into this week's newsletter, please allow me to invite you to join us at the upcoming virtual reveal of this year's?Philippines Best Workplaces?. This will be on March 23 at 2 p.m. See you there!
The Great Place To Work? Trust Index Model?, which is based on over 30 years of research, defines a great workplace as one where the employees trust the people they work for, have pride in what they do, and enjoy the people they work with.
The model highlights the three key relationships in any organization: the employees’ relationship with their management, their colleagues, and their job itself.??
One of the 5 dimensions in the Great Place To Work? Trust Index Model? is Pride.??
Pride pertains to the feelings employees have toward their jobs, team or workgroup, and the company. There are different levels in which Pride is established and demonstrated in an organization. It occurs at three levels:
People feel proud of their jobs when they have a sense of purpose
Our study shows that having a sense of purpose is one of the key factors that make one proud of their personal jobs.? Clarity and alignment of purpose make employees feel that they make a difference in the organization, that their work has a special meaning, it is not “just a job”.??
We reached out to HR and marketing professionals to learn more about how they feel about the work that they do, how important having a sense of purpose is in job satisfaction, and how companies could help their employees connect with their purpose. We also asked them what advice they will give to others who are thinking about resigning.?
The responses we’ve gathered show what drives the quality of the relationship between employees and their jobs, the very work that they do. A job does not become a job when there’s alignment with your personal values and there is a deep sense of purpose in what you do.
Learn more insights and concrete examples from the responses we’ve gathered:?
Camille Madri?al | Associate Director, Recruitment at Nezda Technologies Inc.
When does a job not become a job?
A job will not become a job if it can provide a combination of PASSION, MISSION, PROFESSION, and VOCATION or what we so-called IKIGAI.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
It is very important. Because nowadays, money is not only what matters. We also need to balance continuous learning, their worth in the company with the tasks they are doing and lastly, being able to help the community in their own little way.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Think about it 100x. What is the reason why you really want to quit? Is it the salary? The responsibilities? The environment? Or you are just simply getting bored by doing the same thing over and over for the past years? If your superiors can help you address your concerns in the same company, then you have the option to stay. Because quitting will never solve the issue. Once you experience the same scenario in your new company, you will just end up quitting again.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies can provide different programs that will connect the employees to their “purpose”. Something that they can enjoy at the same time can also help their family, team, company and the community at a large. Doing Outreach Activities can be a great example where employees can show their skills in many areas.?
Aris Domingo | AVP Talent Acquisition at EXL Services
When does a job not become a job?
When you keep your values condensed in what you do.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
We are noting a person when we say "purpose". Person is not there if there's no purpose. That is the sole driver to move forward every day.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
It varies depending on the situation. Basic statement for them to ponder and consider when planning to resign.
1. Stick to their values.
2. Assess the current and future endeavors and environment.
3. Will this serve, nourish and enrich their purpose.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Look beyond what Employees can do and deliver. Do weekly or monthly sessions to know more about the other side. Based on my experience and how I do it with my team.
1. Respect the work space. To avoid breaking the rhythm.
2. Set a time by when to say no to meetings when it is beyond their assigned shift.
3. Transparency especially on the information.
4. Offer a time off and initiate the discussions to check on them to ask what they value the most.
Erika So | Assistant Vice President - Talent Acquisition Lead at Citi
When does a job not become a job?
When it doesn’t give you genuine happiness anymore. You know you’ve reached a point where it’s time for a change when you reflect on a regular basis if your job is still aligned with your long-term goals.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Having a sense of purpose motivates you to do well. It provides immense motivation and enables you to get through the toughest times
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Do not quit because of emotions and don’t resign when you don’t have a back-up plan.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Come up with employee engagement activities,? reward people once in a while for their hard work and allow them to rest. If employees are connected with their purpose, they’re more fulfilled, passionate and more invested into the success of the organization.
Robert Ritchie Calo | Senior HR Business Partner at Cambridge University Press & Assessment
When does a job not become a job?
A job becomes more than a job when you find fulfillment in it, when it affords you the opportunity to unlock your potential, and when it becomes a vehicle to help others. A job becomes less of a job when it clashes with your values and makes you not recognise yourself anymore.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
I have experienced a phase in my career when I lost that sense of purpose.? I found myself just going through the motions and not really having the heart in what I was doing. Then eventually affected how I viewed myself and my relationships at work.? A sense of purpose gives you that grit, that tenacity to overcome challenging situations.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Never quit without a plan and without being clear to yourself with what you want to have with your next job or career, what kind of organisation that you want to be part of.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies need to redefine the job description of managers -- the JD should define the role as "people managers"? --? they are responsible for employee engagement, helping them realise their purpose, connect them to the values and mission of the organisation, culture building, etc.? Job descriptions are not written like that as they are orientated on the needs of the business to become effective and efficient.
5 - Gian Reyes | VP of Marketing at KMC Solutions
When does a job not become a job?
Personally, it stopped being a job when I found my "why", why I do what I do. My purpose is to teach and mentor, fulfillment for me is seeing my team members succeed personally and start believing they can push past their limits.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Knowing what you do matters increases your determination and resiliency. Purpose is a strong motivator which helps us solve problems with passion and meaning.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
As long as you still feel that your purpose is aligned with the company's mission, think about your wants. What is it that you're looking for, is it more training, more money or a change in career? Then set a time with your employer to talk about these wants and see if this is something that your current employer can provide. A new role is always a risk, but could be worth it if you don't feel valued or you don't feel like there's any more room to grow.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
I believe it's a 2 prong strategy. First, we must create a trust environment where employees feel their superiors care about them personally and can be honest without fear of repercussions.
Second, companies should schedule one on one meetings with the specific purpose of connecting with employees to speak about purpose and how the company could help them reach fulfillment. Overall, it's also good to let them know specifically what part they play in the company's overall mission and vision.
Christine Labanda | VP-HR at Lazada
When does a job not become a job?
When it starts to interfere with other aspects of your life.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Purpose brings the “x-factor” in a rather mundane routine. It sparks creativity and wants one to do more than what is expected
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Think twice. Give it time. Reflect well on your decisions (as decisions involve trade offs:). Consider what it is that made you decide to quit. If it is something that can be remedied, go ahead and talk to your mentor or boss about it. Now if it involves sacrificing your principles, leave at once.?
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies should encourage a work environment where employees have “breathing space” for creativity and space to review and reflect on the work they put in and contributions the employees make.
Cynthia Castro | Director, Human Resources at Allegro MicroSystems
When does a job not become a job?
When you love what you do.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Highly important. Clear sense of purpose points you to the right direction and drives you to action.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Your decision to leave should be driven by your true north. Do not quit your job out of impulse or frustration. There are no perfect jobs, no perfect work environment, no perfect teammates.??
Explore every chance to speak about the challenges you face at work with your? manager before calling it quits!? If your manager is the source of your problem, speak to someone in HR to help and guide you. Before deciding on quitting, ask yourself? the following questions:
1. Will? the new job align better with your personal values??
2. Will the new job take you closer to your purpose in life?
If your answer is yes to both, go ahead and follow your dream.?
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Managers should? spend more time creating meaningful conversations with their employees: 1) to understand their aspirations, 2) to find out their motivations? and? 3) align the company's and the employee's purpose. Employee engagement is achieved if the company values align with? personal values and vice versa.
Russel Paredes | People Development Manager at PPS-PEPP Financial Services Corporation
When does a job not become a job?
A job becomes a job if it already becomes a routine. Thus, the passion and the want to contribute to a higher impact goal is fading. Worst is at the verge of losing it.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
This is highly important. It serves as both our guiding principle on what has to be done and our moral compass if we are doing it accordingly.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Rest, reflect and return. The journey may be long. Moreover, the pit stops make it interesting and valuable. You learn insights and become mature whenever we take a break. When things become clearer and understandable then that's the time we get sound decisions.?
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
It is really about partnering and walking with them. There's a wide array of solutions that can perfectly fit each organization and its employees. What's important is to relational to our employees.
Kathie De Leon | Head of Human Resources at TRBank, Inc.
When does a job not become a job?
When you are doing it with passion and heart.?
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
It's of the utmost importance! If you do not know your purpose, it’s like just doing what you’re being told, it then becomes a 9-5 job and just waiting for the salary to come. Doing what you love and knowing your purpose for doing what you are doing gives you fulfillment, happiness and the satisfaction in your job.?
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
We all have reasons for quitting, and I do not judge anyone’s reason for quitting. But my only advice to those who are quitting their jobs is to leave the company properly, leaving them at peace and maintain the good relationship with the company and everyone they worked with in that company.?
In my case,? when leaving a company, I always make sure that I turn over my work properly and that I don’t leave them blinded with the work I left behind. I have complete guidelines or process steps, an organized folder of all the documents I’ve created, modified or even as reference. Employees need to understand that all your work are the property of the company so when you leave, you leave everything behind.?
One reason why I do this is because I also don’t want to worry about them anymore when I start working for the new company I’ll be working with. Some people are so mad or annoyed whenever their former employers or bosses still call them while already in a job; but that’s just because they didn’t turn over properly and that they left them blinded so the former company is then lost as to how to start/ restart the work they left behind. This is also how I keep my network, my good relationships with my former employers and bosses.?
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
I always believe that leaders should always support their people’s passion or what they love doing. I love designating and seeing how they learn from the projects or tasks I give my team members.?
And I love challenging them to see their potential. I let them explore the different facets of Human Resources and let them take on some projects related to what they chose to explore.?
They will have self-realizations on whether they want to pursue it or they’re ok with the current track or path that they have. For some, realizing that they want to do other things outside of Human Resources, I let them go because I don’t want to hinder their dreams or finding their purpose. In exploring, they find their passion, they find their purpose. And along the journey, the most important thing is that they learn, and they take those learnings with them in their journey.
Jezebel Barrientos | Compensation and Benefits Partner, EMEA & APAC at Verifone, Inc.
When does a job not become a job?
You feel unwelcome in your organization, you feel you do not belong. The job isn't what you were told it would be during your interview. You're completely left on your own without any support or training. You feel it in your gut. You're working with incompetent co-workers.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
It will inspire you to do more in your job, which will light you up and make your life come alive. Make more progressive in your career too, be more engaged and interested in what you are doing.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Ask him to make a list of the reasons why he wants to leave and why it could be good to stay. He needs to be very clear on the reason why choosing to quit. Figure out what he wants to do next. Consider an internal move if not happy with the current department where he belongs. He should consider and review his finances.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Show them you appreciate how they are important in your organization.? Create a retention program, that way your employees will be more engaged and motivated. Make your culture visible, give everyone a voice and keep them informed.
Alpha Omega Aquino | Chief People Officer at Home Credit Philippines
When does a job not become a job?
When despite the challenges you feel grateful for being able to change someone's life no matter how big or small it may be. When you forget what day or time it is since you are propelled by your passion to give more and do more.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
When the going gets tough and it will surely come, all you need to do is to go back to your purpose, the reason why you are in your position and you will feel it's all worth it.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Go back to your purpose, your reason why you spent hours, days, months looking for this job that you have now. Rest, take a break, talk to people who will support and help you decide what to do next.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
There are different moments of truth, from the application, onboarding and on the job. Connecting to this purpose is a shared responsibility of the company and the employee. Depending on the life circumstance and the company's situation, both have to take the responsibility to remind each other what they share. Transparent communication is key.
Hanz Kristian Cubillan | Head, Organization Development & Learning at SKY Cable
When does a job not become a job?
When the line between work and play becomes blurry, when you enjoy what you do and gain fulfillment from it, it's no longer just a job.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
It's important, purpose fuels job satisfaction.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Think very, very hard before making a decision. Seek advise, other people may have different perspectives that can guide your decision-making process.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Have conversations to get to know people, their values, their strengths and aspirations. These conversations help people connect with their purpose
Juan M. Roy | HR & OD Consulting Head at Nomura Research Institute
When does a job not become a job?
A job doesn't feel like a job when there are 3Ps to it. Purpose, Passion and Performance.?
When your performance is driven by purpose and passion, your work becomes a mission and not just a mere vocation.?
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
For me, having a sense of purpose is highly important because my job satisfaction comes from knowing that my contributions serve a noble purpose of enabling the growth of others.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Before you quit on a job, evaluate first your reason for quitting. For all you know, you might encounter the same reason in your next job, and then you find yourself hopping from one job to another. Hence, it is important for us to be clear about what we really want for our job or career.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies can help employees connect with their purpose by developing a Purpose-driven Culture. This can be done at various stages of an employee's journey. At the recruitment stage, companies can assess the candidates' purpose and their fit to the organization.
Then, during the Onboarding and onwards, employees can be trained on how to develop and align their Purpose with their jobs. Employees should be able to see the big picture as to how their jobs serve a greater purpose.
Leaders can integrate the subject of purpose in their regular conversations with their members. To enable this, the company can train its leaders on how to engage people into such purpose-driven conversations. The company can also organize programs that provide opportunities for employees to pursue their purpose and bring out their passion in serving that purpose. For example, companies can regularly feature stories through social media posts about how employees find and serve their purpose in what they do in their jobs.
When does a job not become a job?
When you are enjoying it.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Very important
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Reflect and establish a sense of alignment to your core. Make sure to be practical as well coz life is not easy these days.?
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Connect and reconnect with the employees through meaningful engagement programs
Aileen M. Zalameda | Head, People Management & Development at Kimstore Group
Companies should create a culture of trust and transparency. Management should not be afraid and should be mature enough to engage with people no matter what level they are.?
When does a job not become a job?
A job is not a job if a person’s value is not being seen in the organization. That is, when boss starts to micromanage and a person is frightened to express ideas. Dictating what to be done instead of providing directions and giving ideas on how a certain tasks should be done. Directions comes from the top but encouraging the team to do their job on their own will make a person feel more valuable.?
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction is very important because an individual should be able to feel that he/she is worth it with the function he/she is doing. When a person feels that management recognize his/her effort this person will do more than what the Company is expected. Appreciate the effort and the hardwork, a simple “good job” or “tap on the back” will make a difference.?
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Think twice before quitting, sometimes we as an employee just need a break. We just need to re-energize ourselves in order for us to get back in focus and to bring back the joy and excitement to do our job. Do not make things complicated, if there’s a problem at work let it stay in the office, don’t bring it at home. Use days off to relax and don’t think work for a day or two. Surround yourself with positive individuals at work.
Quitting a job nowadays is really a hard decision for any individual to make. Here’s some signs that a person should quit their jobs:?
(1) Feeling miserable waking up in the morning?
(2) feeling heavy inside/pressure at work is always on your head
(3) feeling of lack of belongingness?
(4) your mind is full of negativity, means you’re having wellness issue at work.?
Unhappiness at work = Unhealthy environment. If that’s the case then it’s time, a person needs to move on and find another opportunity elsewhere.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies should create a culture of trust and transparency. Management should not be afraid and should be mature enough to engage with people no matter what level they are.?
Management should respect and should be able to handle the thoughts of its employees (whether positive or negative). Empower instead of micromanaging, listen instead of just giving directions.?
Ask employees ideas because it will mean a lot, also means you allow them to think and share their thoughts. You are showing that you are leading them with respect because you value them.?
Besides, we hired these people because we see potential in them, so let’s be open minded and give them room to express themselves and make them feel that they belong in the organization.? Belongingness, engaging with people and appreciation are some factors that drive employees to know their purpose at work.
Sir Winston Malapad | Talent Acquisition Director of Process Excellence and Analytics at SITEL Group
When does a job not become a job?
A job doesn't become a job once you think that what you're doing is not a job. You have to find your sense of purpose. After working most of my professional life in operations, I just transitioned in the world of HR, in particular Talent Acquisition.?
We move our team through data and insights. More than transforming the hiring landscape with process improvements, automation, digitalization, controls and people empowerment, we focus our efforts on our core recipients, our candidates/applicants.
Candidate experience' is our primary priority. Instead of looking at our 'daily hiring' activities as something that is monotonous, we look at it from a different perspective.?
Yes, we do have fill-rates or hiring targets to fulfill. But we do not look at our numbers as demographics nor statistics. Each applicant is someone in need of a job. It gives us that sense of purpose to help; giving hope not only to the person applying but to their families and dependents as well.??
Having this 'purpose' not only gives us that urgency to process them swiftly, but most importantly, it doesn’t make us think that what we’re doing is a ‘job’. We also remind our team that like medical practitioners, we see our recruiters as our 'front liners', our new heroes. In return, they become more passionate and it gives them joy and that sense of fulfillment in helping others.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
“It’s all in a day’s work.” --- This has become a cliché and honestly, in my personal opinion, is a subtle way of saying that work is accepted as part of someone's normal routine, where people are just treated as warm bodies expected to execute and produce output while inadvertently having people overlook their true sense of purpose in the process.?
One has to deliberately go out of their way to know their meaning in the grand scale of things.? Like a car with its many parts to make it run, one has to intentionally know not just their roles and responsibilities, but most importantly one has to realize the impact of the work they do in the organization.?
For people to recognise their purpose, their contributions need affirmation through acknowledgement, rewards and recognition. An appreciation to one’s impact in the workplace validates a person’s sense of purpose which in turn increases a person’s job satisfaction.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Thinking of quitting your job for the right reasons is good, thinking of when to quit your job is another.? Obviously, the best reason for quitting a job is that you've found a new one. But the real question is, what made you take that first step in finding a new one?
Dissatisfaction and discontentment are two of the worst reasons for quitting a job. Both reasons are least expected from someone who did just an entire day’s work. For someone to reach this point of unhappiness it takes time and is progressive.
When a person is unhappy, all those ‘sense of purpose’ and rational reasons for a ‘job not becoming a job’ get thrown out of the window!? Is it preventable? Yes. Is it reversible? Well it all depends on the gravity of the situation, the parties’ willingness to negotiate and open mindedness to accept the change(s) that need to happen.
My advice to anyone making critical decisions is --- ‘Do not make hasty decisions at the peak of your emotions’. That is a general rule.? One should not easily quit because of discomfort, difficulty or inconvenience.?
If you feel a certain level of complexity or complicatedness, you should think of it as a challenge and an opportunity for you to prove yourself.? Exposure to adversity leads to one’s development to react and strategize to certain situations.? Tough situations are not obstacles nor should these be the reason for you to drop everything, quit and find another job.?
To start with, there is no full assurance that you won’t experience the same difficulties and complexities in your next company.? Sad new is, in your next job, things may even be worst.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
It takes two to tango.? If we make employees find their sense of purpose in their job, as leaders, we should also be able to make them realize our purpose to them.? As prime movers and game changers, we should be able to answer the question: ‘What’s in it for me?’ to our employees.??
Before we win our employee’s minds, we should first need to win their hearts.? Trust is a two-way street.? Transparency and open communication is key.? Leaders should lead by example.? We need to walk the talk and be empathetic.
We naturally empathize more to people we identify with.? Practicing empathy with fairness in mind is considered a talent of great leaders.? We act with compassion because it is the “right thing to do”.? If people can relate to their leaders and they feel that their leaders are compassionate, nothing can go wrong.
Wayne Castillo | Global Sourcing and Recruiting Senior Specialist at Maxeon Solar Technologies
When does a job not become a job?
Job becomes not a job anymore once you are unproductively consuming your time during your specified working hours.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
It is very crucial to have a sense of purpose because it triggers you to set your goals aligned with the organizational plans. Having no sense of purpose means youre going around the bush.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Think 100 times. set goals and know your worth.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Eaton and Maxeon helped me.
Daniel Joshua Galvan | Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing Lead at Del Monte Philippines
When does a job not become a job?
A job becomes more than just a job when it is infused with a higher sense of purpose by the executor, among others.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Having a sense of purpose allows a person to draw up a comprehensive map in one's head which can help whenever there are challenges encountered along the way.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Before anything else, try to understand the "why" of it (quitting one's job). If it is no longer serving one's purpose (e.g. from a basic compensatory context or career development perspective), then make the necessary arrangements already for the next career chapter.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies should empower their People and Culture teams to ensure that employees are in a state of wellbeing, and that they are engaged with the roles they perform currently while looking forward to a meaningful career future for themselves.
Ivy Hua | HR Head at Offshorly Ltd.
When does a job not become a job?
There are 2 times that a job does not become a job:? 1 - When you love what you are doing, it's not a job, it's your passion. 2- When the job is not what you signed up for - you will not see yourself doing something you are not capable of doing, or something you don't like.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
It is important that you are satisfied with your job in order for you to assess if you are seeing yourself doing what you do long term.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Assess - make sure that you are 100% decided to quit; Have a plan in mind - what happens next when you quit your job? Do you have enough funds? Do you have other means to earn?
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Communicate with the people, show transparency, be honest and be open to suggestions to improve how the company works.
Charity Rose Ramos | HR Head at ShipERP
When does a job not become a job?
A job is no longer a job when you love doing it. It becomes your passion and vocation.?
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Sense of purpose is the core of job satisfaction. Regardless of salary, perks, and all other factors, if you don't have a sense of purpose, you can never feel satisfaction and fulfillment. This is the strongest motivating force that enables you to see the value of yourself and your role.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Think 100x before quitting. Analyze the situation carefully. Sometimes we are too overwhelmed that we tend to focus on the negative aspects of the role that it overpowers your sense of purpose. So whenever you feel like giving up, always go back to why you wanted this role.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies help employees connect with their purpose by recognizing the value of each position or role in the organization. Regardless of title or level, companies should be able to regularly show appreciation to each employee and highlight how much their role is helping the organization and the people inside it.
Fides V. Tanay | Group Chief HR Officer at SM Prime Holdings Inc.
When does a job not become a job?
A job becomes not a job when it is transformational, strategic and there is passion (doing what you love most, part of your gift zone).?
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Finding and having pride in your purpose defines a person’s job satisfaction, engagement and fulfillment.? Transcending to a heroic purpose differentiates happy, mindful and productive employees! ? Live to serve and touch lives where it matters most!
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Be grateful for all the lessons learned, support, partnership and friendship. A grateful heart and attitude will define your altitude in life. Be as polite & professional as you can be. Forgive those who have hurt you and pray for them. Build bridges and treasure the life experiences that made you the person you are today.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Define your Purpose with clarity. It must be compelling, meaningful? and impactful that will resonate with the employees. It must touch the heart that is aligned to their personal values and will move them to action, transcend to a heroic purpose that can bless the world!
Rhonadale Florentino | President & CEO at UpRush Social Geekers
When does a job not become a job?
The answer to this question goes both ways. On a positive note, a job is no longer a job if it is more than just the money. At this point, it is more of a passion than anything else. On the other hand, if it is already impacting your mental health in a negative way, that is already a burden.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Very important. It is impossible to attain a level of satisfaction if you are not sure what would give you satisfaction in the first place.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Make sure you have exhausted all possibilities (without sacrificing your mental health) before sending in that resignation letter. Make sure that you have a job that you can transfer to, or at least enough savings to tide you over while looking for a job.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies, in the first place, should make sure that they hire people whose values are in line with theirs. At the same time, companies should build a culture of learning so that employees are constantly finding purpose for themselves.
Peachy Felix | Human Capital Director at AXA Philippines
When does a job not become a job?
As an insurance professional, we teach our customers that there's a financial planning pyramid, where most people will start off with addressing basic human physiological need to survive, before moving to investments and other complex financial needs.
For me, when an individual can get pass "what is written in my job description" when prioritizing tasks, and will start to answer questions like "What can I do to help my company achieve it's business objectives?" or "What can I do to continuously learn and improve?" that I think then an employee can see his/her job as more than just a job.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Sense of purpose is very important to job satisfaction because no job is easy, no company is perfect in terms of set up or culture and an employee will need an anchor to help him get going, especially when the going gets tougher and tougher. An employee must have a bigger reason aside from me, myself and I - that will make him want to do more, to see beyond the hurdles of the job, or do whatever it takes to get the job done.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
At some point, an employee will feel that he/she is ready to quit their jobs. And my question first before the advice is – Why are you leaving? It must be a strong reason for that the tiny voice inside your head to agree with you and say “what you did is for the best.” A lot of reasons for leaving a job are possible, economical such as better compensation and bigger opportunity, physical like staying away from stressors (i.e., boss), etc. But at the end of the day, an employee must do it for the reasons that are right for him/her and not for anyone else.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
I heard a friend once say, “If you want to change the culture, change the conversation.” And ever since, I have embraced this belief that strong communication to increase awareness is a key step in any initiative we want to do for the organization. So, if we want our employees to connect with the purpose of the organization – over communicate this purpose, in all pockets possible.
Whether it is in our performance management process as part of goal setting, or make deepening the purpose as a learning need, include demonstration of the company purpose as a recognition criteria, we can definitely take advantage of each and every opportunity. We can be very creative to ensure that the purpose becomes the DNA for all employees in the organization.
Kristina Dianko | HR Manager - Leadership and Talent Management at Primer Group of Companies
When does a job not become a job?
1.? When you do tasks with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment of purpose;?
2. When the job allows learning and growth;??
3. When the people around you share the same vision??
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
We are more engaged and motivated to work when there is a sense of purpose in what we do.?
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
1. Please think and reflect about your personal and career goals.?
2. If you are clear with your goal, then it is easier to come up with a decision.?
3. If you are confused or tired - it might be best to take a leave, rest and review factors that are affecting your decision.?
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose???
1. Be clear with your company vision, mission and values.??
2. Empower employees to bring creativity and innovation in the workplace.
3. Create a culture of open communication, feedback and collaboration.
Olive Rowan Ybanez | Director, HR at Teleperformance
When does a job not become a job?
When you are in a field you are passionate about and given the space and trust to do your work the way it must be done.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Do not quit without 1. a good amount of reflection (on who you are, what you want out of life and work, where you are in your personal responsibilities and capability) & 2. a plan on how to get into the kind of better space you wanted.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
1. Implement a system where employees are encouraged to explore career paths?
2. Provide mentors that they can talk to about exploring or discovering their passions?
3. Put them under leaders who believe in them and will let them grow
Arlen Mendiola | RBP Lead at Shearwater Health Advisors Inc.
When does a job not become a job?
This happens when you get to do what you wanted to do and get paid for it. :)
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Having a sense of purpose in what you do is beyond motivation and passion. This is the fuel that will get you going when the motivation and your passion die down.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Do not look at what the company can give you but think of what you can contribute to the organization instead. Be a game changer, be this someone who promotes positive culture in the company, be an encourager and you will not ran out of reasons to stay when things get tough or the fire dies down. The rest like excellent performance, pay raise, incentives, positive work environment will just become a byproduct of what you are doing.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Create an environment that will encourage and foster employees with this type of culture. Have this as part of your company's value proposition. Encourage employees to come up with interesting projects, grow in their own way and just be themselves.
Linnea Geraldine Bal | Human Resources Manager at Total Communication Pte., Ltd.
When does a job not become a job?
When the job is not purpose driven.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
It is very important since this acts as an intrinsic motivator for the person.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Nowadays it is so easy for anyone to quit their jobs especially for the young people. However, we must remember that the job you got is with purpose and it is given to you for a reason. Use the opportunity first to learn and succeed in the job you have before quitting. Basically, create a name for yourself & contribute to the company first before you leave in this way you can increase your potential in getting the job you really wanted.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
I believe in having honest conversations. Knowing what the employer needs from the role of the employee and also the employer working out how they can help the employee reach goals and the purpose they want from the job.?
With anything that’s very important it’s honest conversations and good culture.
May Buendia Palabrica | Assistant Vice President - Talent Acquisition Lead at Citi?
When does a job not become a job?
It's a cliche, but I never get tired of saying it, because I truly believe that when you love what you do, it does not feel like work at all!?
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
A sense of purpose is important, because we are not robots. People need to understand how their jobs contribute to the success of the organization, and if they feel that they are able to help, it makes them more secure and satisfied with what they do
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
This is not an easy question to answer because each of us have our own reasons to do so. However, if your reason is that you cannot find meaning in what you do, try to reach out to you Manager or Human Resources first - they might be able to provide you with insights that could help inspire you in your current role.?
Analyze yourself - what aspects of the job do you like and not like? Set aside your emotions and list down the pros and cons. Maybe there's a position within the company where you can apply internally?
If after doing everything and you still want to quit, make sure that yo have enough savings of at least 6 months just in case you are not able to find another job.?
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
A two-way communication is very important. Regular Townhall meetings are a good venue to communicate top to bottom plans, and echo in the fact that as an employer, you support employees' self discovery.
Mark Hernandez | Associate Director - Cluster HR Business Partner at PTC Holdings Corp.
When does a job not become a job?
Passion: when you complain but still do what needs to be done.?
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Don't throw the towel just yet. Learn to have dialogues with your immediate, to discuss how to best deal with your work issues, or how you can be valuable to the organization. We don't have to wait for our immediate to approach us, learn to be assertive in having conversations with them.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Don't throw the towel just yet. Learn to have dialogues with your immediate, to discuss how to best deal with your work issues, or how you can be valuable to the organization. We don't have to wait for our immediate to approach us, learn to be assertive in having conversations with them.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
I believe that the presence of coaching/mentoring, having conversations between team leaders and team members will be of great help. Because at times, thru conversations that even leaders find their purpose at work. Leaders need this conversations too.
Jermian Verdera | Senior Manager - Talent Acquisition, Asia Pacific at Goodyear
When does a job not become a job?
A job does not become a job if you are no longer able to use your skills or talents to fulfill your responsibilities to others and also to yourself. It is when you are no longer feeling or seeing any fulfillment in the work that you do.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Having a sense of purpose makes the job more meaningful. It is something that motivates a person to envision how he/she can make a positive impact to oneself, to others and to the whole organization. It keeps you going? to do your best despite the challenges.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
There is no perfect job. There will always be ups and downs.? For those times that we are victorious and happy, it is easy to stay motivated and continue to do our job. But for those times that we fail or feel disappointed, this is an opportunity for us to think and execute things differently. It is during these bad times that we can reflect on our perspective, challenge the status quo,? be more creative, develop our skills and grow as a person.
Every company has? challenges of it's own but come to think of it if everytime there is a challenge, you will quit? It will be a never ending cycle. You will miss your chance to be part of the solution and to step-up. You will miss your chance to create a positive impact and bring your organization to a? better state.??
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies can help their employees to connect with their purpose by understanding what matters most to them. Is it their well-being, the value that they bring to their families, career development, the impact that they bring to their colleagues, sense of pride on the work that they do, etc.??
Companies should find ways and time to listen to their employees,?take it seriously when addressing? those things that matter to them which sometimes would need listening to unspoken words and provide opportunities and support for them to fulfill their purpose.
Ruby Jaucian | First Vice President & Chief Human Resource Officer at Aboitiz Renewables Inc.
When does a job not become a job?
A job becomes more than a job when my personal and professional motivations are aligned with the company’s long-term goals and purpose.? It is more than a job when it is not just a means to earn a living but also a channel to contribute to something greater than ourselves. Hard work becomes meaningful and valuable when I find joy in what I do – and this is a real privilege.
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
People in different stages of their lives will have different reasons for job satisfaction. There may be some people whose main source of satisfaction are compensation and benefits. But there are also people who are looking for more. They would like to ensure that the many hours that they spend working are valued and what they do really matters, not just for the company but also for people and the society that they serve. And this results to better job satisfaction and engagement at work.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
Thinking of quitting would usually cross our minds especially on not so good days. An attractive total rewards package can surely be enticing but seriously consider pursuing a job that would allow you to learn more, develop further and grow your circle of influence so that you bring yourself closer to the person you aspire to be.
It is always helpful to seek the advice of trusted mentors and friends, they might just be able to give you a different and fresh perspective on life.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Being a purpose-driven organization is important to many employees and this is not just about having company vision and mission on the wall. This is about companies who are really invested in their company’s purpose that these statements are constantly discussed throughout the organization.
Employees must see that the company delivers on its promise through concrete programs and projects. It is also important they employees’ participation in creating and implementing these programs are highly encouraged. Organization structures and job roles and responsibilities are designed in such a way that individuals know how they contribute the company’s purpose.
Companies can help employees discover their own purpose in life through conversations. Direct leaders and mentors play an important role in helping employees discover or clarify their life purpose. There are also assessments and workshops that can help employees discover these, such as by discovering their strengths and passions. Providing opportunities to develop and practice these will deepen the individual’s awareness and understanding of his/her “why.”
Corinne Patron | AVP for Talent Attraction at Aboitiz Power Corporation
When does a job not become a job?
When you are doing something that leads to a greater purpose -- leads to a better situation for the country, the environment, and the people around you -- that's when you get to feel that what you are doing is not just a job
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Having a sense of purpose contributes to a person's job satisfaction because it gives the person more reasons to love what they are doing. If you know that you are doing something that would benefit the greater good, it makes any challenging task seem bearable and more meaningful.
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
My advice to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs is for them to look for an opportunity to speak with their trusted leaders or mentors before they make any decision. There is value to hearing out other people's perspective based on their experience.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
Companies should be consistent in communicating their mission, vision, and purpose within the organization. They should be able to convey how each employee contributes to shaping a better future for themselves, the organization, and the community.
Brigida "Bridge" Moran | Marketing and Corporate Communications Supervisor at ManilaMed (Medical Center Manila)
When does a job not become a job??
For me, a job evolves into something else when an employee realizes and understands the impact of his or her role has a greater sense of purpose to the organization. This time comes when an employee independently shares insights and great experiences about work without being prodded by management.
The employee would go an extra mile to accomplish projects and tasks that would give him or her an overall fulfillment.??
How important is having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction?
Having a sense of purpose in a person’s job satisfaction is important because it drives the employee to see beyond what his job description states. It makes him or her see the impact their contributions make in the organization. Once a person is working with a sense of purpose, and is thoroughly satisfied with their job, I can say that they will be rewarding the company with one of the best things a company can attain from their employees, and that is loyalty.?
What advice will you give to those who are thinking about quitting their jobs?
My advice to those who are thinking of quitting their jobs is to reflect first. There are some instances in the workplace that may have irked them, and emotional decision-making may have taken effect.
It is important not to make any brash decisions, and to reflect first on the following: “What are the factors that have made me want to quit my job? What are the factors that made me consider my current role in the first place? What kind of impact does my role have with other departments in our organization?
For me, quitting is easier said than done. Since there is an ongoing pandemic, emotions may become hazy at times at work but with the right support from our co-workers, friends, and family- clarity in your purpose at work can make you feel more engaged and steadfast in your career decision-making process.
How can companies help their employees connect with their purpose?
I believe one of the best ways to keep employees in check with their purpose is through proper employee engagement. Nowadays, employees usually look for good company culture when they are applying for a company. To share my personal experience, ManilaMed has a very competitive Culture and Organizational Development Department. They ensure that proper trainings are conducted, not just for the middle management but for everyone, even those in the rank and file.
We are very lucky to have regular employee engagement activities every other month to prevent burn-out and employee recognition efforts for people in the hospital in different departments. We really need those kinds of activities, specially with COVID-19 still in our midst.
Wrapping Up
As an employee, you can learn from their insights and use them as your guide in finding your own purpose at work.
As a leader in your organization, help your people align their personal values with the corporate values and boost their sense of pride by recognizing their unique skills, and communicating with them that the work they do is of great value to the company, their colleagues and customers.?
To all the HR and marketing leaders who contributed their insights to this newsletter edition, thank you so much! ?
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2 年The perspectives of fellow professionala shown here are inspiring and offers food for thought. Thank you for inviting me to join!
2 年Ms. Cynthia Castro! Making us proud!
Senior HR Director
2 年Hi Toni, thanks for soliciting my insights. It's an honor to take part in this endeavor. I am learning a lot from the other HR leaders and Marketing experts as well. All the best to you and Great Place to Work team!
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