Finding Your Purpose After 50
Tina ?? Lorenz
The Divine Equation?: Where Mindset Meets Momentum ?? YOU: Dissolving Limiting Beliefs?Aligning Magnetic Messaging?Living Your Purpose ?? ME: Celestial Sherpa??Board Certified Hypnotist?21+Yrs Copywriting & Marketing
Creating a Lasting Legacy With a Profitable Online Business Could Be Your Pathway
Have you felt like life might pass you by without you ever shining your light brightly?
If so, you're not alone. And there multiple reasons to heed the call and experience both the joy and expansion of rising to your full potential, no matter what your age.
1. Enhanced Well-Being and Longevity: Studies show that having a sense of purpose can lead to better health and a longer life. My mother lived to be 100, and I hope to surpass her record.
2. Legacy and Impact: We all want to leave a mark on the world and inspire others. Finding your purpose can help you create a lasting legacy.
3. Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Your "Divine Assignment" brings deeper satisfaction and joy. This isn't a midlife crisis; it's an opportunity to fulfill what’s uniquely meant for you.
Steps to Discovering Your Purpose:
1. Self-Discovery: Start with an inner journey. Face your fears and the lies you tell yourself that keep you stuck. These beliefs shape your feelings, decisions, and achievements.
2. Change Your Story: The human mind clings to familiar stories to keep us safe. By changing your story, you change your life.
3. Create a New Vision: Identify what truly matters to you and strategize how to achieve it. The foundational work is crucial before diving into tactics and strategies.
And Then? How About an Online Business!
I'm living proof that it's never too late to become the person you're meant to be. I'm certainly not alone in that--and neither are you!
Tactics and strategies are the easy part--I've been helping my clients build robust 6 and 7 figure online businesses for two decades.
The most important part is getting your head right first--identifying what is calling to you, and dissolving any old stories or limiting beliefs that may be stopping you.
And if you already have an online business, it may be time for further personal expansion with your ideal audience, messaging, or mindset.
There are plenty of examples of what's possible when you are committed to bringing your vision to life...
Examples of Late Bloomers:
??Vera Wang: Became a bridal designer at 40 and opened her boutique at 41.
??Chip Wilson: Founded Lululemon in his 50s.
??Julia Child: Published her famous cookbook at 50.
??Laura Ingalls Wilder: Wrote her first book at 65. Her books became the inspiration for the Little House on the Prairie TV series.
??Martha Stewart: Expanded her brand into Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia in her 50s. She is 82 and still going strong.
??Mary Delaney: Started her artistic career at 72, in the 1700's no less!
My Personal Story of Late Blooming:
I didn’t start my online business until I was past 50. Despite being homeless in my 40s, and having no previous experience, I became a successful freelance copywriter and marketing strategist.
It was my Divine Source that called me forward through difficult times, leading me to where I am today.
Tips for Finding Your Purpose:
1. List Forgotten Passions: Think back to your childhood and young adulthood. What inspired you and made you happy?
2. Reflect on Joyful Moments: Identify when you felt most alive and look for patterns.
3. Celestial Sherpa? Practice: Spend quiet, contemplative time asking yourself, "What would you have me know?" and write down whatever comes to mind.
Energy Audit:
? Assess Your Current Energy Levels: Rate your energy on a scale of 1 to 10.
? Identify Energy Fillers and Drainers: Make a list of activities and habits that fill you with energy and those that drain you. Look for ways to eliminate or transform the drainers, and increase what fills you with happiness and purpose.
Simplify and Focus:
? Eliminate Busy Work: Focus on what truly matters and brings you joy. Simplify your tasks to create space for what counts.
Willingness Over Readiness:
? Embrace Willingness: Often, we delay ourselves by saying we’re not ready. Instead, focus on whether you’re willing to explore and embrace what’s calling you.
And One More Thing...
Often times, as we get committed to our own expansion and evolution, something pops up with irritating predictability...
Perhaps you've noticed? There are some very clear reasons why this happens, and even some reasons it can be a welcome visitor.
I'll be discussing this on this week's LinkedIn Live event:
Overcoming Resistance: 5 Common Obstacles to Your Success
It's this Thursday, May 23rd at 10am Eastern. Hope you can attend!
Loving you and holding you as powerful,
Tina Lorenz??
PS: If you’re ready to discover your purpose after 50, Book a Complimentary Call with me. Let’s explore what’s calling you and how to achieve it.