Finding your possibility
Biju Aramban
Democratic Education, People, Story telling, Engineering, Fullstack Development, Cyber Security, Automation, Innovation, and ...
I am just sick of the chores. I have to do the dishes, clean the floor and wash dresses, that too without a washing machine, dry the clothes, damn, this is never ending. Disciple was chanting this almost everyday and every now and then.
Are you listening to any of my grievances? Disciple almost felt he was talking to a stone as there was no reflections of his chanting on the saint. This time the saint turned to him and said, “Time for story, maybe?” Why did I not mention this as a chore, wondered the disciple.
I have a friend, who is a successful doctor in her early fifties. She has two hospitals she runs and a loving family with 2 beautiful children. Though at hospital she is a successful doctor, at home, she is still a mother and daughter. Her old father stays with her, and she must take care of him as well. Her father gets sick at times, Off late, father started falling sick often and she gets tired of attending to him all the time after all the work she had to manage.
One day, she really wished that the old man to disappear, after living through a very bad day. When she came back to her normal self and sense, she was really upset about the way she thought about that moment.
How did you address it? I asked her, said the saint.
I had to find a way which will enable me to take care of situations unfavourable to me at that time, in this case taking care of my father. And I thought for a moment, he acts like a child most of the times these days. That was the moment that helped me get through. I have told myself; he is my child, and I will take care of him as another child of mine. And days were not the same anymore.
In life, we go through difficult situations, and we must find possibilities to make things work for us. Maybe read this book, “Man's Search for Meaning” when you have time.
That is an eye opener, for now at least. Disciple said to self.