Finding Your IT Outsourcing Fit: What to Look for

Finding Your IT Outsourcing Fit: What to Look for

Have you tried working with an outsourcing dev team? The market size of IT outsourcing ran to 66.52 billion U.S. dollars in 2019. The industry is growing for a reason. It’s a great way to optimize business processes, attract talents, and spend reasonable money for the software-related work. Here comes the question of the search criteria. How to find a suitable developer? 

The primary thing is a clear understanding of the objectives and needs of your company. It will be more trouble-free to select the professionals on the ground of precise requirements. Besides, pay attention to the following aspects.

Popular Destinations

As a rule, western companies prefer contractors from South Asia and Eastern Europe. Apart from lower rates and high professionalism, local governments in these regions support the IT outsourcing culture. For instance, there's a Hi-Tech Park providing a favorable environment for IT business in Belarus. At Fively we are proud to be a member of the Belarusian Hi-Tech Park.

You can check the companies’ profiles on review platforms including Clutch, GoodFirms, or CrowdReviews. Do not forget to look through their websites, social media accounts, and portfolios. As a result, you should be able to make a shortlist of the selected names to continue further communication.

Companies’ Specific Features

When you look through the review platforms, you will be able to grade the companies according to the ratings and read the references. In order to narrow down the search, consider more parameters. Check the following features:

  • Rates;
  • Expertise in the domain of interest;
  • Management approach and a model of development;
  • Technical expertise
  • Years of experience

Make a comparative table with the potential contractors and their characteristics. After the initial contact, you can add more facts to make up your mind.

Team Over One Man Army

Sometimes companies want to find a superman who is able to do all parts of the work - project management, coding, design, testing, etc. It may look tempting as there’s no need to collaborate with a bunch of specialists and spend money on each of them. However, it’s a doubtful path. Great products are usually made by dev teams where the efforts of individuals produce a result greater than the sum, so-called synergistic effect. A team working on your software will upgrade the customer experience. They’re able to look at a problem from different angles.

As for the cost issue, the development team market is really diverse, especially the offshore part. You’ll find a company with affordable rates. There’s no need to burden one person with all kinds of tasks.

Outsourcing of software development is a common business practice that lets you be more productive and concentrate on the things you do best. In order to find acceptable professionals, carefully analyze the information in the public domain, compare the offers with your needs, and don’t be afraid to try. The right developer isn’t a myth but a result of your efforts invested in search and analysis.


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