Finding your Flow state
Helen Packham
Helping leaders and coaches share their big ideas to feel seen, heard and understood | AI Co Creation | Ideas Catalyst Coaching | Speaker and Communications Coaching/Training | Thought Leadership Strategy | Podcaster |
I’ve had a bit of a week last week. My laptop broke, my car broke down and I had a few big obstacles to overcome in buying my new home.?
Amongst that I was coaching private clients and corporate leaders and have also started coaching the speakers selected for our TEDx Moseley event in January 2022.
But there was one thing that kept me from going completely bonkers!
And it’s the work itself.
- Helping private clients to strategically increase their Authority, Impact and Reach. So they can courageously show up, share their stories, make money and change lives.?
- Holding space for corporate leaders to explore their strengths and derailers and how they communicate with, influence and motivate others.
- Supporting speakers to shape powerful talks that can really do good in the world. I’ve been blown away watching their first drafts and how moving and inspiring they are.
When I do these things I’m in a flow state.?
The term flow state originates from a guy called Mihály CsÃkszentmihályi In positive psychology, and is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity.?
(For more info on Flow state click here )
When I’m in Flow state I:
- Have an abundance of energy.
- Feel alive and well and lose track of time.
- Am focused, not distracted and completely immersed in the experience.?
- Could do this type of work all day long (which I do!) and never get bored.?
- Problems, challenges and life issues melt away.?
- Feel fulfilled, satisfied and like I'm making a difference, no matter how small.?
- Feel happy, excited, motivated and inspired.?
- Feel on purpose.
I feel so grateful that I get to do this work and experience flow state. Don’t get me wrong there are many other parts of my business where I don’t experience this. But the main body of my work is ALL about this.?
How often do you experience flow state? Hit reply and let me know.
If you struggle with getting in the zone here are some things that may help
- Focus on your strengths
High performers are NOT well rounded. They play to their areas of greatest strength and leverage those things. Then they damage limit or delegate other areas. What are you really amazing at? What tasks and pieces of work give you the most energy and joy? Start to hone in on them.
- Follow your joy
Sometimes we can push too hard on the things we think we should be good at, or might be the most lucrative to focus on, and we get too tied up in chasing the outcomes. Instead, focus on the things you love, and be led by them. Follow them and see where they take you. Case in point. I never thought that getting back into Djing as a hobby would lead to radio shows and live gigs, and yet here I am! (Check out my insta page @mydjjourney for more info.)
- Damage limit other areas
If there are things that you have to do every day that don’t light you up, that's ok and totally normal! I am absolutely awful with numbers, so I have a wonderful VA who keeps my books for me. I am a total technophobe, so I have learnt just enough to be able to understand what is needed (damage limitation) and my amazing wing woman makes it happen for me.?
Need more help?
There are some great resources that can help you explore your strengths.?
I’m running a FREE training on flow states in the AIR Hub this week on Thursday 4th November at 10.30am. All you have to do to gain access is to download my AIR assessment
The book ‘Now discover your strengths’ by Marcus Buckingham is fab
The Strengthscope psychometric tool is also incredibly useful in providing detailed insight.
One to one coaching - If you would like to explore your strengths I am going to be offering a strengths exploration deep dive very soon. It falls under the Authority section of my AIR system and is designed to help you:
- Explore in detail what lights you up and energises you
- Gain clarity on your specific areas of strength
- Apply your strengths to specific focus in your business
- Establish you as an authority in your field by focusing on your strengths and expertise
- 1.5 hour deep dive coaching session
- Strengthscope psychometric report completion, analysis and feedback
- A strategic action plan for applying your strengths to your work so that you experience joy and fulfillment every day in your business.?
@ï¿¡397 limited time offer price
To register your interest just hit reply. I’ll tell you more about the session and when the slots will be opening up.
Much love
Helen x