Finding Your Alternative Passion
I have always been a firm believer that when a person is passionate about their work that they need an alternative passion to balance out their lives, otherwise we can end up thinking about work 24/7 and this is not conducive to optimum productivity. For over 20 years that alternative passion for me was horses. In recent years that passion has become yoga. I practice at the beginning of every day to energise my body and prepare my head for the day and I love it. When I started yoga 6 years ago I could get nowhere near touching my toes. Now I can put my palms on the floor with straight legs and bring my head to my knees. The biggest unexpected benefit for me has been the impact on my head – I am calmer and I tell people that for me, yoga gives my brain a good wash out.
I have brought in a yoga teacher to give my team a session on a Monday morning and they have described it as a “wonderful way to clear my head at the start of the working week, it’s so important to be able to step away from our phones and laptops for a short while during the day and this is the perfect opportunity to take some time to focus our energy and reflect”.
I have also introduced this concept to a couple of client companies. Its early days and I look forward to assessing the impact it has and reporting back.