Finding Wisdom in Nature: Insights from Utah’s Red Rock Country
Nature, for me, has been a powerful teacher as well as a true space of refuge to quiet my mind, uplift my spirit, and nourish my soul. Being naturally energetic, I find it difficult to balance “doing” and “being.” I am extremely inclined towards keeping busy, overscheduling and overextending myself. But I have been learning (very slowly) to just be, cultivating the practice of slowing down. It is in the great outdoors where I am able to find a calm way of being when I connect with the sheer power and magnitude of nature and bow to its wisdom. Having recently visited southern Utah’s stunning national parks, I can truly appreciate the patience and power of wind and water to shape the landscape over millions of years. When we humans build new structures, we add materials. Nature’s method is subtraction. Grain after grain of sand is whisked away by water and wind. Rocks are continuously recycled on a geologic time scale that takes eons.
The 5 Ps: Rock Solid Lessons from the Navajo Sandstone:
1. Process
Change is not an event, it’s a process. To the human eye, rocks appear to be “rock solid” and unchanging. In truth, the rock cycle is a series of processes that create, shape, and transform the arrangement of mineral grains. Recognize that career growth is a lifelong process, in which you become crystal clear on your personal and professional priorities, interests, skills, weaknesses, and strengths. Fortify your career for the long-term by upskilling, reskilling, and embracing continuous learning. As technological and social forces are transforming today’s workplace, be proactive in shaping your own career path to remain relevant. Stay current by earning industry certifications, reading professional books and publications, listening to podcasts, and engaging in the process of personal transformation and self-betterment.
2. Patience
Patience is the art of exercising control in using concentrated power over time rather than a short burst of brute force. The stunning red rocks are the ultimate symbol of patience. After all, they have been forged across billions of years. Similarly, it takes time to achieve career goals. Let’s face it, no one can expect to achieve the greatest heights of career success in a short window of time. Yet, in a world driven by instant gratification where the most intimate information is readily accessible online, gourmet meals can be quickly prepared in the microwave, and even true love can be found via speed dating, we find it hard to accept anything but fast results. However, a thriving career requires patience, persistent, and time. It takes focused effort, heart and a healthy level of forbearance to ascend the career ladder to reach the upper echelons of responsibility, authority, and influence. Give yourself the time to learn, grow, and evolve.
3. Perspective
Every rock is a wild land of details. There are always different angles when you look at anything. Make sure you get different views. When you change your viewing angle, you see different sides of a situation. Be an active and open-minded observer and strive to look at the world from multiple vantage points. Every person you meet and every experience adds something valuable to your journey on earth. Every new idea is a gift to be appreciated (whether implemented or discarded) as part of the quest toward growth and fulfillment. Put yourself on the path to an enriched future by letting go of old ways of thinking and noticing new patterns. As you recognize new and unexpected possibilities allow yourself the opportunity to explore them. Use every experience to re-evaluate what has gone before to be able to adjust course as needed.
4. Perseverance
Unlike Utah’s amazing rock formations, there’s no magic involved in career success. But like the shaping of rocks, it requires perseverance. In its own way, seeing career goals through to the end is wondrous. Every rock formation is uniquely standing out thanks to its size, color, shape, and location. Each human being is unique. Be sure to express your uniqueness in your choices and actions. But remember that living your purpose and potential is likely to involve adversity and hardship. The path to career success is never straightforward. Character is not built with ease and comfort. It is built bit by bit through experience; the trials and tribulations and what you choose to learn from them. Perseverance is about pursuing meaningful goals and having the physical and mental stamina to endure hardship over long periods of time and to create something new and beautiful in the face of setbacks. Dare to make your own unique contribution. It is a great element of a successful career.
5. Prioritization
Traction is important when hiking a rocky terrain. Nothing quite like slipping off a rock for a hard landing in a dusty trail. As I was carefully contemplating my foot placement on top of rocks and loose gravel, I remembered the story about the rocks in a jar used as a metaphor to prioritize what’s important in life. See: Prioritizing Your Life: Rocks, Pebbles and Sand. With the jar representing life, and the big rocks signifying the most important things in one’s life, the lesson learned is to always prioritize the big rocks first. If you prioritize and sweat the small stuff, you won’t have the space and time for what’s truly important.
To Prioritize the Big Rocks and Cultivate Patience, BE U:
B - Breathe to re-set. Take deep breaths to release tension, rest, replenish, and renew.
E - Enjoy the moment. Take an inventory of all you say “yes” to, and commit to doing things with joy.
U - Unlock new possibilities. Take the time to carve out new layers and dimensions of yourself.