Finding Value at the Dump
It’s not every day you find something valuable at the dump.
No one lingers at the landfill, but on this day, I stopped on a whim at the Reuse Center on my hasty exit. Featuring?salvageable merchandise in overflowing boxes or on make-shift shelves, the transfer store strangely beckoned me.
On the few occasions I had stopped previously, a brief walk around the interior was long enough to scan the available goods. The store mainly displays an assortment of mismatched kitchenware, worn toys, outdated lamps, suitcases abandoned by tourists, and a random kid’s bike. I wasn’t expecting to find anything of value.
However, shiny chrome gleamed out of the corner of my eye. At the check-out counter, a small table displayed a few valuable items requiring a watchful eye. Could it be? I walked closer and, with astonishment, realized I was staring down at a Nespresso coffee/espresso machine.
“Does it work?” I eagerly asked an attendant. After being assured it did (I can’t believe I fell for that one!), I triumphantly bought it for a mere $15 (worth $200+). Hope buoyed my drive home.
To my dismay, I quickly discovered that the machine turned on, but the power cut off after two seconds. There was a reason someone had discarded it! I needed to decipher a mysterious flashing light pattern before I could brew a cafe-quality cup of coffee.
Several hours later, I was still baffled. YouTube was helpful, but there were so many videos. I nearly gave up hope I would solve the problem! Dejected, I would need to return to the store and plead for my money back.
Perseverance won the battle.
While figuring out what was wrong was challenging, the solution was relatively simple: the machine needed a descaling. Coffee residue and mineral deposits clogged the machine.
After several rounds of spraying the parts with vinegar, the next time I pushed the start button, I heard the gratifying sound of the machine powering on and staying on. The resultant rich and flavorful cup of coffee was worth the frustration.
As I, Wonder Woman, sipped my first cup, I mused on the similarities between people and my Nespresso machine.
Like my coffee brewer, we were objects of incredible value set to the side. And like the used and impacted coffee grounds kept the Nespresso from working properly, sin short-circuited God’s power in our lives. Without intervention, we were destined for a life of insignificance, relegated to the trash heap.
Yet, Jesus knew our worth despite our appearance. He came to repurchase, cleanse, and restore us to function according to our original design.
I love how these images are combined in the following verse by the prophet Isaiah who spoke on behalf of God.
“I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you” (Isaiah 44:22 NIV)?
Are you doubting your worth today?
Do you feel insignificant?
Are you broken or in need of repair?
Do you desire a fresh infusion of God’s power in your life?
I’ve been rejected, wondered if I matter, and felt stuck in my sin. I’ve tried to bring about character transformation and make things happen in my life apart from God.?
When I doubt God’s ability to transform me, I remember, “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).?
Despite how you feel, declare the truth about yourself today.
I am valuable and significant to God.
(Name a particular sin) no longer has power over me.?
The Holy Spirit leads and guides me.
*?For further reading on how God saves us, breaks the power of sin in our lives, and pours out His Spirit on us, read the following passage.
Have you ever lovingly restored an item? How much more meaningful is it to you after restoration?