Finding the time others can't...

Finding the time others can't...

Ways to gain the most precious of assets: Time

My ultimate aim as a business owner was to make myself redundant as quickly as I could, so I could focus on the things I needed or wanted to. Do = let me continually seek to make our company the best it could possibly be, and make all of us proud and happy.

The following are some of the things I did to find the time to achieve exceptional growth and not crumble under pressure.

I hope a few resonate with you...

#1 Mastering 10 min Meetings (not every meeting is 10 mins - it's a metaphor)

When booking time to meet or talk to people don't assume it's always an hour - agree what the objective is and set the time limit. Start every meeting saying we have 15 mins, the things I want to cover are: What would you like to discuss? 

Then work within those limits.

This approach will stop all the later cake small talk and move things on brilliantly (I'm famous for forgetting to say hello and going straight into work mode on calls and meetings - it's not wrong it's just me)

#2 If you believe you need to work on the business not in it 20, 30, 40 % of the time then work your diary like that.

I did this as soon as I could but in truth, I was working 7 days a week in some way to get the growth (& income), I wanted.

Dedicate days of the week to working on your business!!!

And remember Sunday PM is a great 1/2 day to work on the business, so at the very, very, very least you aren't playing catch up on a Monday when you should be ahead of the game. 

#3 Use 90/120 min Sprints with Everyone and Everything. 

By focusing people on key actions that they need to do at that time, setting expectations and goals you give urself 2-hour windows to do the things you need to do – or want to do.

It enables you to catch people doing great things and redirect those not reaching the required standard. It's also an excellent way for people to earn rewards, such as Friday PM early finish.

I prefer lots of 2 min catch-ups with staff rather than monthly reviews, especially if you are a sub-50 head brand. That alone gives you days back. And do socialise with the gang, because they won't be able to avoid work-talk, and that's as good as a formal review (it's actually better and more honest).

Note: Make sprints person-specific not generic as often as possible!

#4 Priorities & Re-prioritize Regularly, so You Don't Waste Time.

Re-prioritize frequently - this is the matrix the amazing @emma bird used and uses on me to recalibrate what's important at any moment in time. 

It would help if you were a list maker for this, documenting all the ideas you accumulate somewhere important to you, and then have someone really challenge you about them. And of course, answer the questions honestly.

  • Explain the idea?
  • Is it important?
  • Will it make or save the biz money?
  • Is this a genuine priority?
  • What resources will it require?


Then map it out, share responsibility, set tasks and don't wander into new initiatives until this one is completely in hand! 

Multi-Task of course, as long as you have the bandwidth (that support and propel you; not distract, YOUR TIME = YOUR TIME IS TOO VALUABLE AND NOT TRADABLE)

#5 Only Commit to 1/2 Days of Diarised events.

During times of change (such as the CoVid crisis) or when you know you need to roll your sleeves up to help fix things that are critically important always change your time model.

In such times, I would only ever allow mornings to be booked out (ideally just 1/2 mornings using short format 10-min meeting sessions), to create the time I need BUT NEVER STOP THE BUSINESS GOING FORWARD!!! Still deliver the projects you have committed to.

This worked so well I continued with the method for years after I did it the first time. It resulted in us doubling heads, revenues and profits for 6 consecutive years = the best growth of any business in our sector!!!

It meant that I was able to drive sooooo many new projects and I was loving it, not strangling the biz, but here is the killer app...

#6 Insist on the Reporting: Muhammad comes to your Mountain. 

In this time of instant access to data business owners can see everything they need to, where & whenever they want to, however, there is still a need for everyone in the biz to be held accountable! 

"Reporting??up" is the best way to do this. Make it standard and bonus/commission related for all "heads of" and their team members to "report up" = no one need ever have to chase people again. It's a simple switch where staff see it as taking control, but the business the reality is WE get far better control.

People are never bright enough to get one over on layers of management.... spotting performance gaps is key to learning and where @Trevor Pinder comes in.

Make reporting the duty of the layer/s below and based on a single source of truth = the CRM is a key app! Never accept anything other than the CRM reality (ask Emma -> if it wasn't via the CRM I assumed the data was always a lie!!) 

A single place of truth needs to match the accounts, so please regularly match the two! I did this 2x a month on freelance, doing it at least once across both is vital and checking for early terminations, where recruiters tend to lie is again v important and if people lie to you: terminate them in a heartbeat!

#7 Sharing is Caring

Giving the team individual accountability builds trust, creates stronger bonds & is one of the foundations to a great culture!!!! 

Most leaders struggle to teach, so never give away tasks! They are not the control freaks they think they are, they are just poor at coaching!!! Bang that stings to hear I know, but we were not taught to teach; just sell is the truth. Work with someone like @Trevor Pinder to master coaching & you will instantly realise the difference.

The sooner you give people additional responsibilities, the better, people learn to multi-task. I always liked asking the newest person to teach the next person the basics, that meant they had to learn everything they were taught properly, write their own notes and again that gave me / their manager 2 weeks back.

If and when the team has the room to flex and develop personally you will have 5/10/20/30 Business Drivers, not just 1 or 2 managers. This trick is brilliant and removes 10's of tasks from you – it's poetry in motion people 

#8 Outsource Where You Can

Outsourcing non-core functions is a great way to win back time. Rather than learn new skills paying professionals to deliver a perfect service is a great way to get time back. 

  • Accounting & Finance
  • Marketing 
  • Tech & support
  • Virtual assistance
  • Data collection 
  • Resourcing support 
  • Design and creative
  • Bid & Tender writing
  • Copywriting 
  • Project Management 

These are things most CEO's take on that they shouldn't! 

#9 Eat, Sleep, Do Clever Stuff, Repeat...

As a NED & Mentor, I get paid, to remind people of things they used to do...

Avoid having to repeat yourself and remind the business of great things you used to do but stopped doing!! (This is a total bugbear of mine)

It's a such a simple thing to resolve = document changes with diarised notes to reinforce going forward and forever - I used to present a change or new initiative and at the same time fast forward 3 months on my diary to check on it again (and once I did diaries to do it again 3 months later) 

Checking it was being done was way faster than having to re-educate people all over again, and eventually, the team realised I was like a dog with a bone and nothing we did was ever going away so they just made a point of doing things we asked them to and it became habitual.

#10 Get an Emma (you wish)

Have a gatekeeper who will qualify meetings, protect your time and chase things the team should be doing well b4 they are due

If you haven't got a brilliant PA or EA do get a virtual one. Spend the time to pass over those mundane tasks that steal your time, be patient to teach this person how to do the task to your exacting standards (seriously give this person time and don't get frustrated) they will change your life taking away "pain".

I've worked with Emma for over 20 years, and she makes me better in every way = everyone needs an Emma, and you will also be significantly more productive and happier! 

I hope a few of these will help find you more time... 

If you are in need of loads of business short cuts, time-saving insights and years of painstakingly sourced advice join the RDLC

Some genuinely brilliant stuff in here Gary Goldsmith and nice to see giving away some gold. I think a fantastic EA is more valuable than any other manager in the business. I had a Victoria Lawrence and she made my life so much better ??

Bobby Kankam

Founder @ Compass Talent Pool | A business bespoke, LIVE digital talent pool platform, serving the Property Maintenance, Property Compliance, M&E, Renewable and Fit Outs industries

4 年

Great post mate. Thanks for this!


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