Finding Sustained Support
Isaac Robert Kwapong
I use sports to create and run visionary and transformational programs, products, and services that add value to people and communities. #JesusLover
As living beings on earth, we are faced with so much pain, pressure, confusion, setbacks, offenses, heartbreaks, and loses. These are called the burden of life and leads to stress, depression, stroke, jealousy, hatred, and death. The three influences of these are our lust, the world system, and the evil one. The great news is that one who created us knows the burden we carry in this world and sent us support through Jesus. John 3:16 KJV[16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.He makes himself available without forcing Himself on us and makes the bid; Matthew 11:28 KJV[28] Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest.
His rest gives us life and strength to prevent us from emotional and spiritual death. Wealth, fame, and power don’t relieve you of burden instead add up more than you can carry on your own. If you need support in any area of your life, I want you to remember that Jesus is waiting to support you spiritually and emotionally if you will believe in His words and steps to having His rest. So you know His alternative to living life comes with a burden that is light and easy to carry. Why? Because it brings you peace, love, and hope. He also teaches you how to live with His light burden by showing you through His examples in the bible so you can learn directly from him. He will not leave you on your own He gives you His spirit and brings people of like mind who will continue to support you to carry His burden and cast yours upon Him.
His support is just a heartfelt prayer away from you, so speak to him today from your heart. Be Transformed!