Finding the Sunshine through the Clouds of a Pandemic
Michael Moellenkamp
Owner of JustGoMoto Inc. Adventure - Explore - Experience - Enjoy. LIFE. Just Go!
Over the course of the past few months the world has experienced a bout of dark times. Filled with negative news stories packed with death tolls, safety precautions and the dangers related to the deadly virus we have all come to know as Covid-19. During these trying times many people have chosen to focus on the positive changes throughout their lives and in the environment.
At MySDS Inc., we are often reminding consumers of the dangers related to hazardous materials and chemical waste and the importance of PPE, workplace health & safety, training and compliance. We also need to remind ourselves of the positive aspects of the situation, and would like to explore the things that are adding some sunshine to our news feeds. It is with welcome arms that we review some of the positive impacts this pandemic has made in our world since its arrival.
Home Life
In the past decade or so, the use of technology in everyday life has sky-rocketed. New and improved gadgets are popping up constantly, everything trying to be bigger and better than the last. Children are using computers and hand-held devices starting at shockingly young ages – and adults for shockingly long-hours. In early March, stores began shutting-down throughout Canada and other parts of the world, kids sent home from school, people sent home to work – or some even sent home, unable to work at all. Though the change came as a shock to many people's daily lives, people started to notice positive changes - they were getting more done around their home, spending more quality time with their families, and worrying less about their usual hectic schedules. The opportunity to work from home has provided many with a better work-life balance and has lead some to increasing their productivity.
Social Life
Stores, theatres, restaurants – these are some of the venues we attend while spending time with friends and family. But what about when these venues closed their doors? Society needs social interaction and during the past few months of lock-downs and quarantine, society has been getting creative in order to maintain some form of social interaction...
- Using video chats to continue traditions with friends of 'Friday Night Game Night'
- Gyms turning to the online world as well, to keep you attending your weekly kickboxing and Pilates classes
- Social media being used to offer help to those in need, instead of the usual check-ins for the latest celebrity gossip
We have realized how important our friendships and social relationships are to our mental health and happiness. We are checking in on one-another, donating to businesses in need, and banding together to assist wherever possible.
The Environment
Another area of our lives that has been negatively impacted over the past decades due to our continuous growth in consumerism - our environment. After businesses were shut-down due to the pandemic and most people required to stay home (aside from running essential errands), we have seen even the busiest parts of the world - China, New York, etc. - bare hauntingly quiet streets, empty stadiums and airports alike. The extreme decrease in travel, tourism and business operations, has had a positive impact on pollution and air quality.
- “Joanna Joiner and Bryan Duncan at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, are creating maps and images that show how COVID-19 has reduced air pollution across the world.” Source
- [The Ministry of Ecology and the Environment reported the emissions in China fell 25% at the start of the year when China's residence were instructed to stay home. Coal use fell 40% at China's six largest power plants since the last quarter of 2019.] Source
- Numerous places have seen an increase of wildlife presence due to the lack of human interaction out in the environment.
For many of us, it is a heart-warming feeling seeing the generosity of others, and the hard-work of essential workers during these trying times. As well as the environmental impact that inspires us to treat the earth with more care than ever before.
We want to know - Have you personally noticed any of the changes above? Or perhaps a change that isn't listed?
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