Finding Strength in Struggle: A Journey of Perseverance
Leaving your comfort zone hurts, but it hurts a lot. You find yourself bewildered and lost. You feel like you don't fit in anywhere and that everyone is against you. You have to be very brave to start from scratch when you had everything and lacked nothing. After experiencing this so many times in my short life, I can confirm that it is necessary to do it in order to grow. At first, it seems like a nightmare, and the only thing that comes to your mind is the desire to give up and that it is no longer worth it. Keep going, keep fighting. Remember that time puts everything in its place when you deserve something. Every time I found myself in this situation, I was able to move forward and take away the best experiences and people. It is tough to stay positive in these times; remember that you cannot control the wind, but you can adjust your sails. The only person who can pick you up from this situation is you.
Persevere, and you will succeed, my mother told me countless times. And that's what I'll do. I will demonstrate with actions and keep moving forward when no one else trusts me. I can't let all the work I've done be in vain and lose confidence in myself.
Trust in yourself, in your abilities, your experience, and above all, in your quality as a person. You are special everywhere, and no one can turn off that light that makes you stand out in the darkness.
Don't blame bad luck or the universe. Accept what you have and work even harder to reverse your current situation. Change your attitude and fill your mind with positive thoughts. It doesn't matter how it started, but how it will end.
I know it's not easy, but you must be strong. You have people around you who want to see you succeed and will support you every step of the way. Sometimes life does not go in the direction you want, but it is up to you how those circumstances external to you will affect you.
Don't give up; believe me, in the end, there will be a reward, and you will laugh at the days you cried. You are stronger than you think, and it's time to show it.
Tomas Ulla. 08/11/2024