Finding Strength in Stillness: How Embracing Moments of Stillness Can Help You Develop as a Leader
Freya Mi Ju Busse
Art Direction ? The Argonauts Community for Conscious Leadership
Charles Eisenstein, an acclaimed public speaker, teacher, and author, in his work The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, employed a thought-provoking metaphor to explore how we react to the urgency we feel about our planet's state, our well-being, and the world's affairs:
"We are like a man lost in a maze. He runs around frantically, hitting the same dead ends again and again, always circling back to his starting point. Finally, he pauses to rest and take a breath...and in a flash, he understands the it's time to begin walking again." - The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, 2013.
In his work, Charles Eisenstein argues that the social, economic, political, and environmental challenges he previously explored can be traced back to an underlying worldview he terms the "Story of Separation"—the belief that humans are isolated from one another and from the natural world. In The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, he suggests a new narrative is emerging—the "Story of Interbeing"— a "story of the world that we really care about". However, he acknowledges that we are in a transitional phase between these two narratives. Even though a decade has passed since the book's publication, it still feels a long way from reaching that desired state.
The quoted passage above remains highly relevant ten years on. Charles Eisenstein's analogy of being lost in a maze resonates with the human experience of constantly going in circles, hitting dead ends. Yet, during these moments of pause, we gain fresh perspectives and understanding of our situation. During this moment of clarity, we can chart a new path forward. Just like the man in the maze, it is time for us to start walking again, armed with the newfound wisdom gained from our period of rest.
The challenges that confront us today are multifaceted; in fact, to any one topic, there may be several differing perspectives, some of which we may inadvertently overlook. Consider, for instance, the climate crisis—an issue encompassing a range of viewpoints, in a recent podcast featuring Richard Rudd, Zach Bush, Debra Silverman, and Carla Johnson. Dr Zach Bush invites the audience to consider the lens through which we view the climate issue. From a chemical standpoint, the facts and figures surrounding the rapid escalation of global temperatures hold true. However, through a biological lens, a contrasting image emerges. Biology's inherent complexity offers a different perspective—one that acknowledges Earth's dynamic responses to temperature shifts.
From Inaction to Insight
Amidst the complexity, a sense of urgency persists, underscored by recent wildfires and persistent high temperatures across Europe. This urgency is encapsulated in another quote by Charles Eisenstein: “The situation on Earth today is too dire for us to act from habit—to re-enact again and again the same kinds of solutions that brought us to our present extremity. Where does the wisdom to act in entirely new ways come from? It comes from nowhere, from the void; it comes from inaction.” What exactly does this mean?
Earth's current state of affairs is so critical that we cannot afford to rely on familiar patterns of behaviour or repeat the same solutions that have led us to the current dire situation. Instead, Eisenstein emphasises the need for innovative and unprecedented actions to address the challenges we face. Where do these innovative and unprecedented actions come from? The answer provided may be unexpected: "It comes from nowhere, from the void; it comes from inaction." This indicates that true insight and innovative ideas often arise when we allow ourselves to pause and step away from our habitual activities, giving our minds the space to think beyond the confines of routine.
We must break free from conventional thinking and take moments of stillness and reflection. These moments of inaction create the necessary mental space for fresh ideas to emerge—ideas that may hold the key to addressing the pressing challenges we face, especially when the urgency of the situation demands entirely new approaches.
This concept has manifested in real-life instances. For example, Nelson Mandela's leadership, both before and after his time in prison, exemplifies this notion. Nelson Mandela's time in prison had a profound impact on his life and the course of history. During his 27 years of imprisonment, Mandela experienced immense hardship, isolation, and injustice. However, these challenging circumstances only strengthened his resolve and commitment to the fight against apartheid. Mandela used his time in prison to educate himself, enhance his leadership skills, and establish connections with fellow activists. This period of reflection and personal growth transformed him into an even more determined and resilient leader. Upon his release, Mandela emerged as a symbol of hope, reconciliation, and equality, inspiring millions around the world and playing a pivotal role in dismantling apartheid in South Africa.?
Trust Circles: Growth Through Reflection
So, how can we embody these qualities and become conscientious leaders capable of overcoming the challenges we face? How do we incorporate these rhythms of action and non-action into our lives? One approach is to join a Trust Circle.?
Trust Circles serve as sanctuaries in which participants nurture the capacities of reflection and deliberate pausing, facilitating a broader and more insightful comprehension of the intricate hurdles they confront in life. This is achieved through a process that encourages participants to express their vulnerabilities, contemplate the roots of their actions, and unreservedly tap into the collective wisdom offered by fellow participants.
By embracing Trust Circles and enhancing their conversational skills, organisations can unlock the potential for meaningful collaboration, effective problem-solving, and transformative innovation. Through collective efforts, we can tackle the urgent challenges we face while fostering the wisdom and foresight necessary to shape a better future.
Are you ready to revolutionise your leadership approach and confront today's complex challenges with newfound wisdom?
Visit the Argonauts website to dive deeper into the art of leading through awareness and discover how embracing moments of stillness can help you develop as a leader.