Finding Strength in Imperfection
Tasha Penwell
Founder/Educator | AWS Instructor, Education Professional, Subject Matter Expert
In our professional careers, we can feel pressure to maintain an image of perfection with minimal failures. Faith in how we are viewed in our personal and professional lives in God's eyes (even with our flaws and past mistakes) can help us find a path for success in all our imperfections.
God Sees Beyond Our Professional Shortcomings
It's easy to view our professional shortfalls as barriers to success. Whether it’s a past failure, a gap in skills, or a fear of inadequacy, these challenges can obscure our potential. Faith teaches us that God looks beyond these limitations. He sees our true potential and has a unique plan for each of us, encouraging us to trust in His guidance even in our careers.
The story of Moses is one of my personal favorites and the reason why can be summed up in two words - "Moses stuttered". My hearing impairment can be a hindrance that can, at times, inhibit my ability to effectively communicate as needed. However, instead of allowing this concern to paralyze me, I choose to address it head on. At the beginning of a new semester, I address my hearing needs in the classroom by openly acknowledging my hearing aids and explaining how they help me. I also take this opportunity to emphasize the importance of clear communication from my students.
When I find my feelings of shortcomings coming to surface, I remind myself that Moses did not speak eloquently but God was able to provide him the words and tongue to speak as needed and lead the Israelites. His story is an inspiration to trust that God can use our perceived weaknesses as strengths in our professional journey.
The story of Moses is one of my personal favorites and the reason why can be summed up in two words - "Moses stuttered".
Transforming Setbacks into Testimonies
In our careers, just as in life, mistakes and failures are not endpoints but opportunities for growth and reflection. When we surrender these experiences to God, they can become powerful testimonies of His grace and redemption, guiding us toward our true calling and vocation.
Embracing God’s Qualifying Grace in Our Careers
God Does Not Disqualify
God’s call is not limited to our personal lives but extends to every area of our lives - including our professional careers. He does not disqualify us based on our imperfections but instead qualifies us through His divine love and purpose.
As we pursue our professional paths in 2025, may we find peace in knowing that we are enough in God’s eyes.
Remember that the God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called. He calls us to roles not despite our flaws, but through them, crafting a unique and meaningful career journey filled with purpose and impact.
I encourage you to reflect on how your perceived weaknesses have unexpectedly contributed to your professional growth. Share your own stories of overcoming professional challenges through faith in the comments below. Let your experiences inspire and encourage others in their own journeys.