Finding Solace in God's Love
Maryam Support Line
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Bismillahir rahmaanir raheem.
So often, in this strange reality we inhabit, we find ourselves teetering on the brink of being overwhelmed by life's many hurdles and hardships. They are a ready, bottomless pit at our feet, awaiting the moment we can no longer balance at the edge. Echoing in this pit are menacing whispers, encouraging your pain, exacerbating your sorrow, urging you to keep giving up. Never forget the simplest of phrases, the relevance in our lives and the power of Divine protection.
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?Audhubillahi min ash shaytaanir rajeem.?"I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan."
Too regularly in this day and age we experience stress and toxicity, ready to swallow us whole. It could devour us, destroy us, if given half the chance. You may even recall a moment, or moments, when you might have felt the whispers tell you that the life of this dunya was just too much… too difficult… too distracting… to allow you to be the best you can be. That there is no freedom to just live. But Allah SWT says in the Qur'an,
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"Truly, Shaytaan promises them nothing but delusion" (An Nisa 4:120)
And in that moment, in the darkest of times, we must remember the bounties of Allah SWT. Because where would we be without Him??
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Wa wajadaka daallan fahada.
"Did He not find you unguided then guided you?" (Ad Duha 93:7)
Can you imagine how lost, how clueless, how helpless, we would feel, if we had no idea that His Mercy and His Love for us is greater than any kindness a mere mortal could show to us - a spouse, of a child, or a parent? He loves us so much more. He keeps us alive and gives us reason to go on. Not only that, He is there for us to call upon, with continuous, unrestricted access, He is available, always. He even waits to hear from us and respond. SubhanAllah.
So when you feel at a loss and in need of something from Him, you ask yourself with His Words:
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Fa bi ayyi alaa'i rabbikummaa thukadhibbaan.
"Which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?" (Ar Rahman 55:13)
And begin to count, and keep counting, until you lose count - of each of the blessings in your precious life. Recall these as you fall asleep, when the whispers begin their awful efforts to keep you awake, then recall the blessings with a smile on your face, the beautiful smile that He gave you.?
For support and a safe space to talk about your mental health, book a chat with Maryam Support Line.
Allah SWT, in His immense Wisdom and out of His immense Love for us, revealed His Word, which taught us how to exist. In a lawless, anarchic world, Islam came to calibrate moral compasses to prevent more trauma and destructive behaviour continuing for generations to come. Mental health, therefore, is so important to Muslims and should always be at the forefront when it comes to taking care of our communities, nurturing our youth, and looking after our vulnerable. We are taught, by the example of the Beloved Prophet SAW, and by the Word of God, to take care of our minds. We should be people of clarity, of consciousness, and of reflection.?
The Qur’an provides emotional support in ways like no other. It has been listened to, recited and memorised for years, to help reach a meditative state to endure painful experiences like childbirth and physical affliction. It has been used to soothe the mind, body and soul, to give comfort and reassurance to those looking for hope and refuge. Whatever hardship you are facing, He SWT always knows. He can hear your very thoughts in this moment and He is always Listening. Remember,
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Alaa inna nasrallahi qareeb.
"Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near" (Al Baqarah 2:214)
Surah ad-Duha is probably my favourite surah, hands down. For me, it symbolises a far reaching, strong, commanding Love that only God can provide. It is a Love that is Divine and powerful, with the grasp to pull you out of the darkest pit. It was revealed at a time when our Beloved Prophet SAW had had no revelation for six months and began to feel depressed and worried, isolated and rejected. It has since pulled many of us out of the holes we have dug ourselves, talked many of us back from the ledges we have found ourselves on, and it is a blazing, beautiful, shining example of how we must seek solace from the One to whom all solace belongs, our Merciful Rabb. And I will leave you with this surah, please find a tafseer on it and bookmark it for any moment you feel like you are slipping.
Let it bring you back and help you steer yourself back to His Love.
By the morning sunlight,
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and the night when it falls still!
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Your Lord O Prophet has not abandoned you, nor has He become hateful ?of you?.
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And the next life is certainly far better for you than this one.
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And ?surely? your Lord will give so much to you that you will be pleased.
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Did He not find you as an orphan then sheltered you?
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Did He not find you unguided then guided you?
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And did He not find you needy then satisfied your needs?
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So do not oppress the orphan,
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nor repulse the beggar.
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And proclaim the blessings of your Lord.
Your sister,
Hazira Khan
With thanks to my dear brother, MK, for capturing beautiful scenes after the dawn prayer.