Finding the Silver Lining
Finding the Silver Lining
The world is definitely in a bad place right now between Covid-19, shelter in place, election fears, etc. We are all struggling emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.
When we are struggling, it's hard to find the good. Something we all need to remember: There is always some good even in a bad situation.
When we get to the other side of our struggle, we can all find post traumatic growth. For many, this time of life will be the catalyst for great change.
While we are still in the midst of the pandemic and election fears, it's important to find the silver lining, reframe the situation, see the good and reduce our stress.
Below are some questions that can help you see the bright side:
1. What did you take for granted Pre-Covid 19 that you have changed? A lot of my clients say they took their relationships, family, health for granted but in the last 6 months have switched that around and made those areas a priority and feel happier/healthier for it.
2. What part of this current reality are you grateful for? I'm so grateful for my lack of commute. I couldn't believe how much time I spent traveling daily and the wear and tear it did on my car and mental state.
3. What positive changes due to the pandemic did you make that have become habits you will keep forever? Maybe a new exercise routine, eating healthy, quitting smoking, etc. This is a perfect time to create new habits.
4. How can I use this situation as an opportunity or a gift? If you're using this time wisely to make positive changes, you're using this time as a gift. I truly believe there is opportunity to be found during this time.
5. What victories have you had during the pandemic? For me, it is learning new technology and not only learning it, feeling comfortable and even enjoying it.
6. Did you and your family adopt any new traditions or routines you love and want to keep even after the pandemic? I have heard of family nights making a big come back.
For more information please visit: www.dlcounseling.comor email Diane at [email protected]
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