Finding Sanity and Caring in Crazy World
Rosalyn Kahn I am a 3X TEDx Speaker and Trainer, Professor
Freelance Journalist, Photographer, and Spanish Interpreter
Finding Sanity and Caring in a Crazy World
Photo includes Miriam Udave Project Engineer, Roxanne Couture Assistant Project Manager and Danielle Boyington Executive Assistant from #Pinnerconstruction
How many could imagine the possibility of having a place where you like going to work and you felt appreciated. It is not a fantasy. There are all actual places that make it enjoyable to go to work.
Last Wednesday 8-8 I attended an?awards celebration, honoring the #Top100 Best Places to Work #Bptw in Los Angeles?put on by the #lbj Los Angeles Business Journal. There was an outside committee,?#WorkforceResearch Group,?that surveyed each of these organizations to identify, recognize and honor the best employers in Los Angeles, benefiting the county's economy, workforce and businesses.
To be considered for participation, companies had to fulfill the following eligibility requirements:
- Have at least 15 full- or part-time permanent employees working in Los Angeles County.
- Have a physical operation in Los Angeles County.
- Are a publicly or privately held organization.
- Are a for-profit, not-for-profit, or a government organization.
- Have been in business for at least one year
Employees evaluate their workplace and there are categories from?small, medium and large company sizes.
There were jobs from every?field, law, social media, infrastructure, media telecommunication, automotive and so much more.
The?#1 ranked company?in the?small category was #StartrCo.
The medium?company category’s #1 ranked team was #D. Law.
The?largest company category #1 ranked team?was?#MissionCloudServices.
Some of the incentive’s employees were offered included #mindfulmonday , #creativeproblemsolving training, #mankind day, group #cookingclasses , and more.?
One lady I spoke to whose name is Miriam Udave works at #PinnerConstruction which does a lot of work building schools for the
#LAUSD. I was lucky to get an extra seat at her table and was curious what special things they did at her company.
?She shared each year they do a summer social which is gathering of all employees and award ceremony at #VallastPoint in #LongBeach.?It is held after work an evening affair. These could be awards of excellence or individuals who stand out and enjoy a buffet dinner etc. For birthdays, each employee receives a birthday card signed and distributed by the front office. They also do community service like #toysfortots and gathering school supplies for back-to-school events. Women have a great opportunity to move up in the company. Over half the company has employees with over 25 years’ experience and?the other half are newer employees. One innovative practice is matching experienced employees with new hires to teach them the system which often evolves into long term friendships. Their biggest celebration was a #centennial back in 2020 where they had a big dinner and Billy Idol Billyidol.Boy performed. The company was originally family owned but was bought out several years ago and the emphasis on family orientation preserved.?
Truly an enchanting opportunity to be seated with a winner in the #mediumsized company who placed #28 out of thirty. It was fun to observe the smiles and sense of pride as it spread to each of the managers as they passed the certificate around the table.?In the photo is @Marine Udave who is #projectengineer, the @RoxanneCouture #assistantprojectmanager and #DanielleBoyinton @ExecutiveAssistant.
I was truly in awe hearing their stories and finding out the behind-the-scenes stories of one of the companies recognized as the #labj #bptw award show held at the #LosAnglesBiltmore hotel. Hopefully one day, I can have that opportunity to work in a place who treats their employees so special. ?Hats off to #labj for another #topnotch event recognizing the best in Los Angeles.
@RosalynKahn is journalist with #chowentertainment #livingyourbestlife with #KGNG #26,8 #FilAmTV #LasVegas and #KXLA #LosAngeles. Ms Kahn is also TEDx speaker, Global Ambassador of Peace, and #finalist for #Faceofwoha. She always interviews the most interesting people. You can follow on all social media and more information at .?Her mission is creating stories that leave a legacy,
Thank you, Rosalyn!
Fundraising Manager | Award-Winning Business Coach/Mentor as seen on TV | Sales, Media Marketing & Business Growth Specialist | No.1 Author | Keynote Speaker | Director | Humanitarian | Chairperson Wales - LOANI.
1 年Such great insights wow! Thanks for sharing Rosalyn Kahn 3X TEDx Speaker and Trainer, Professor ??