Dolly Hertz
Real Estate Broker Associate with Engel & V?lkers NY Real Estate | New York City, NY | Open Doors with Dolly
I often hear people say, “I heard so and so is a good realtor, so I’m hiring her.” And so I wonder, heard from whom? How long ago? What does “good” refer to?
Some sellers will look online and select a realtor with 10 or more listings. That must be a very capable agent, with so many listings, right? But are those listings selling? Are they priced correctly? Or are they sitting on her website looking pretty and languishing for 6 to 12 months?
With that many listings, how much time is that agent devoting to each one, and equally importantly, how much time is she devoting to communicating with her seller?
You’re entitled to open, frequent and prompt communication with your agent via email and phone. If you’re not getting a reply within 30 minutes (even if it’s simply a quick note letting you know she’ll call you shortly), it’s just not acceptable.
You’re entitled to an agent who discusses strategy with you and provides prompt feedback on showings.
If someone says, “Don’t worry about a thing, dear, I’ll take care of everything and let you know when it’s done,” please run quickly in the other direction.
If you ask an agent to reduce her commission and she rapidly agrees, this tells you something about that agent. If she cannot negotiate her own commission, how well will she handle negotiating on your behalf?
It’s always wise to interview three different agents, to hear their evaluation of your property and their pricing and marketing strategies. In the process, you’ll see which broker is a good match for you, by personality, work ethic and smarts.
Please remember, that big name realtor may put you on the back burner, may pass you off to neophytes on her team and may be difficult to get hold of when you have a question.
Use your head when choosing, but also your heart and of course, your gut.