Finding The Right Mentors For Growth
The Success Catalyst, a community newsletter

Finding The Right Mentors For Growth

This edition of The Success Catalyst features Emelia Matrahah, a leader who overcame self-doubt on her path to the C-suite. Her book details her transformation from a shy homebody to a bold leader. We discussed the turning point that shaped her and the influential leaders who guided her.

As an FCMA/CGMA qualified CFO with Big 4 experience, Emelia is known to drive growth and navigate turnarounds for both public companies and government entities. Industry veterans would recognize her expertise that extends beyond finance, encompassing complex projects and strategic initiatives.?

Emelia shared how she approaches growth, leadership and excellence in life:?

1) The Importance of Cultivating Genuine Relationships

Early in my career, a misplaced trust underscored the profound truth in Stieg Larsson's words: "Friendship – my definition – is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual."

This experience, coupled with life's ongoing lessons, solidified my belief in the power of genuine friendships. These connections are built on a foundation of trust, sincerity, and unwavering support through life's inevitable challenges and triumphs. By fostering relationships based on these core values, we gain a deeper understanding of a person's character and integrity.?

This discernment allows us to make conscious choices about those we hold close, creating a network of genuine support.

2) Giving Back As a Core Value?

Never underestimate the power of continuous learning and development. Regardless of your current skills or experience, ongoing growth is essential for effective leadership. Embrace opportunities to learn from mentors, colleagues, and training programs. Together, we build stronger, more inclusive leaders through shared knowledge and diverse perspectives.?

On this note, I'm excited to participate in HRD Corp's NTW 2024 campaign and look forward to sharing my insights on training and development. Aspiring board of directors, corporates, middle management and young professionals ready to step into their next level can look forward to building skills, fuel collaboration, and become a driving force for national progress. This will be a time of connecting with aspiring leaders in order to contribute to the growth of organizations across all levels, from young graduates to C-suites.?

3) Making Time for What Makes You Smile

Work-life balance is equally important.? While I manage stress by delegating and relying on my trusted team, I also find joy in baking, singing, and expressing myself creatively.? These passions refuel me and remind me of who I am outside the boardroom.

Emelia shares the importance of choosing wisely those we hold close, to create a personal network of genuine support in business and life.

4) Having the Right Mentors For Success

We also asked Emelia to share with The Success Catalyst three individuals who have personally and professionally helped her in her development as a high level leader:

  • Mr Wee Hock Kee, my former Audit Committee Chairman. Thank you for seeing the value in me and listening to my views during our Board meetings. He provided encouragement and support during my tenure as the Acting CEO of MIMOS Berhad to ensure I am on the right track. In fact, he assisted me in preparing myself prior to my departure from MIMOS Berhad.
  • Prof. Datuk Dr Mohd Fadzil Mohammad Hani, former President & CEO of SIRIM Berhad, who provided me with the opportunity to apply for a board of directors seat in Vitrox Corporation Berhad. A relationship that has been built over monthly chats and sharing views during our management meeting with the Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI).?
  • My ex-boss Colin Lazaroo in ICIMB - He taught me the value of resilience, to always raise the bar higher and higher and not take comfort in success, observe integrity at all times even at moments when people are not looking at you. Earning his trust and meeting his expectations was the most valuable lesson I’ve learnt in my career and I’ve gained a lot from this lesson.

In closing, Emelia had one other valuable piece of advice to impart: in our highly volatile economy, I think one mindset shift that is most crucial for professionals to have in these times would be the ability and willingness to think outside the box. She advises not to focus too much on organization needs and in so doing neglect your own needs. One way to find that balance is to work on building your unique DNA of independence. While it may still support the organization's needs, the main idea is to actively spend time and effort in building a personal brand of your own as that becomes the value that is attached to you as an individual and becomes what you - and only you - can bring to the table.?

Content prepared by FERVANT for Gloria Soo's Community. If you enjoyed reading The Success Catalyst, take a moment to share it with someone you know will benefit from the newsletter too!

Business coach, entrepreneur and author - Gloria has helped over 3,000 entrepreneurs build their businesses from the ground up. Gloria believes that sales is all about establishing rapport and nurturing valuable business relationships towards win-win outcomes.

Get updates on Gloria on her website and her socials!

The Success Catalyst shines the spotlight on inspiring individuals who are action takers. Centered on topics such as coaching, training, leadership, entrepreneurship, and certifications, it is a community newsletter that aims to add value to your life and business.

FERVANT helps communities amplify their voice, one story at a time. We work to foster connections, engage your audience, and grow a thriving community for you.?All editorial rights reserved. Connect with FERVANT on LinkedIn.

About today's guests on The Success Catalyst:

Find out more about Matrahah & Associates here.

Or connect with today's guest: Emelia Matrahah here.

Alberto Minaya Lopez

Undergraduate Research Assistant @ Purdue University

3 个月

Really interesting, thanks for sharing Gloria!

Emelia Matrahah FCMA/CGMA

Currently Founder & CEO of Matrahah & Associates, and sits as Independant BOD of PLC, FCMA / CGMA / Big4 trained CFO who believes in empowering and developing talent through her speaking engagement

3 个月

Tq for the honor in featuring me dear. ??????


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